Torture against me was done with an excuse of national interest and confidentiality, but my actual situation was that I was literally a hostage of the United States government.
I was forced from the start, to be "property of the U.S. government" and they had me in a secretive human cloning program that involved many thousands of people by then. However, the abuse of me was not the same thing that other "clones" or persons forced to be in this, had to go through.
I did witness a lot of torture against others, but the level of torture against me, and the excuses for it, were lies. My entire life was a lie.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Sunday, February 7, 2016
U.S. Control Of Me Throught Ritchies Boys (CIA and Army; Mossad)
I sent a complaint about violation of human rights to your offices and it was received but I haven't heard from anyone yet, or been interviewed.
The situation is getting worse and my parents and children and myself are now in immediate danger of having my baby kidnapped to another location, and my parents are being threatened with jail if they don't both testify against me in court on Monday.
The Judge raped my mother, and we are being forced to go to him, and he raped me when I was a little girl, more than one time. This man is someone the U.S. government has used a number of times to kidnap my kids.
Additionally, my kids have been illegally cloned and I have evidence of human cloning by the United States. I do not support human cloning and I have explained my entire life, to the government, which forced me to work for the CIA when I was a kid, that I don't agree or want to participate and they created cloned embryos anyway and raped me multiple times to impregnate me with clones, at night, by drugging me.
I am being blocked from any kind of work here, and my parents do not have work or money at all. They are forced to lie and live in houses that are government owned and move back and forth between the same houses.
I was also forced to work for Princess Diana and I witnessed Prince William and Harry were cloned multiple times, and so was Kate Middleton and Pippa and James, for example. I am including photos of people to prove the U.S. government has cloned people and are forcing people into this program and lying about it. At one time, one of the older clones of William told me he wanted me to expose this, and he is maybe not alive anymore, but my kids are being kidnapped because of this illegal manufacturing of humans.
I was tortured, as a kid, my entire childhood, raped almost every day by government employees, and I was flown out of the country, to dozens of countries, to be forced into sex slavery and medical torture and child labor. Most of it started with child pedophilia to high-class people in Europe and Italy and Mexicans were also being used to send it around and to rape me and control the drug trafficking for the CIA.
This trafficking of me was also to British royals. I do not believe William of Wales loved me, that any of them did, but I do believe at least one of them knew his life was in danger, back then in the 1980s, and the Bechtel Corporation was huge and involved in sending out child porn around the world and killing people off over those who tried to report this, with a government cover. I was forced to be sexually molested by even members of his family and one of the clones of himself, but he still wanted me to expose human cloning because of the dangers and, supposedly because the CIA told him if he allowed me to expose human cloning, they'd sign a deal to give him more of the profits that resulted from my work which was forced--in songwriting. The group around to pressure him included Bechtolds, whose former name is Bechtel, and who are directly related to CIA and in CIA, and to the Bechtel Corporation.
The U.S. government even forced me to cut the side of one of the clones of Kate Middleton, with a knife, in a police office in Portland, Oregon, when I was a kid, and didn't want to; they had me interrogate one of the Prince Harry clones for being a "rat" and trying to give information to the government and then told him, "See? You shouldn't trust Cameo"; and they also had Prince William in a bed and pressured him to agree with them.
I was raped by all of the Presidents of the United States, and future Presidents, that the U.S. wanted to appoint and promote later. I was raped multiple times by Bill Clinton, and I was sexually molested and I believe, raped, by Bushes. Usually it was forced blow jobs, fellatio, when I was under the age of 8. The U.S. tried to cover for Clinton by claiming "P.J." was "Paula Jones" when it was the initials used for a nickname for me at the time that I was being raped by Clinton and forced to help with their political campaign. It was actually a name to insult me for being the kid they forced to give everyone "B.J."s, blow jobs, but they said it stood for "Princess Jessie".
I witnessed my entire family being raped, shackled in handcuffs and tied up, without any cause, inside of houses and buildings, and the government installed hidden cameras into all of our houses and had us under secret "house arrest" and would pick up cameras whenever someone from the UN or another agency was called upon because of a report. They would go around, cleaning the house of any trace of evidence of surveillance or me or evidence of torture of me, medications I was forced to take (Haldol and tranquilizers for political torture), and they would threaten me not to talk.
I witnessed several babies being cloned and created and then murdered by the CIA, as "practice" for making "made men" and "made women" of government employees.
Another set of babies of mine is about to disappear and be kidnapped on Tuesday of next week, and I need assistance immediately. I also know the CIA bribed many members of the U.N., which makes my situation worse, but please have this sent to someone without any conflict of interest.
In the past, the FBI found out about my petition and one of the Rabbis in town made fun of me for writing that I wanted my report sent to every member of the U.N., and for saying at least one person could handle it, and he put up a poster in his house that said: "One man can make a difference, and every man should try". This man is Rabbi Emmanuel Rose, and he is also a participant in concealment of child abuse, torture, rape, and trafficking and I was forced to work in Israel in child labor too (for Sarah and Benjamin Netanyahu, for only one example), and they discussed how to kill my kids. I had surgeries done on me to implant me with microchips and wires throughout my body, to facilitate remote torture by military, and for control of me, and had dental work done to allow government to blow up my teeth when they wanted to as well and they've done this to my parents too.
Israel confirmed this occurred, and that these 'devices' were in my body, and ran MRI and CT and more sophisticated measures for hard-to-find materials, and then after collecting a reassurance for themselves that they could also control me, they refused to take any of it out, telling me "It would be too dangerous and you could die if we tried to remove all of it."
This is a lie.
Please help me and help us.
Cameo L. Garrett
SS#: 534064362
DOB: 10/22/1974
Photos of cloned humans attached.
I also have some evidence for why the U.S. government and Mossad and the British Goldsmith-Middleton family tortured me and held me hostage throughout my childhood and it was out of revenge for WWII Nazi activities against Jews, and I am not Jewish. Many of the people who tortured, raped me, sold me, and justified stealing from me were former concentration camp members who forced me to go to Nuremberg, Germany, when I was 3 years old, to be tortured for getting 'confessions' out of accused Nazi's going to trial. It was obvious to me then that I was not Jewish and being used by the government to force confessions from others, because I was somehow believed to be related biologically to those who were German nationals or participated in Nazi activities. One man who showed me some of this evidence, gave me a copy of a death announcement from someone who Middleton worked with, and who tortured me when I was a kid.
I was also raised in a family where I was never treated as a family member and was not considered to be one of them. I was a clone, and my entire family was participating in crimes against me, and with Middletons, but not ever telling me what everyone else was involved with and who they worked for, what their religious backgrounds really were, and why I was the only one being tortured and raped and stolen from in the family.
The family I was being raised in, worked for the U.S. government and they were using Christianity as a cover for being Jewish and motivated politically to harm me and torture me, over past crimes against Jews. Most of my family members and those in the government torturing me had family that went to concentration camps in Germany and many of them worked for the CIA and Army through a group that was called "Ritchies Boys" and worked in Europe (with Middletons and Goldsmiths) interrogating people over Nazi work, on behalf of the U.S. Two of my "Aunts" married Mexican men who were Jewish but claimed they were Catholics, and they tortured me, had me gang-raped in orchards and told me they'd make sure I could never raise my own kids, and they'd control them.
A group of German men one time broke into my grandparents house and demanded that my "grandfather" let me know I was not related to them. They said, "Tell her. Tell her she is not a Baird" and he told me I wasn't related to them. That was the grandfather on my Mom's side, whose sisters married Mexican Jews that were motivated to torture me.
One of them is named Pablo Avila and his relative Manuel Avila, died in 1987, after he tortured me himself and interrogated me in Europe with the Goldsmiths and Middletons.
I was given the information about Manuel Avila's death, by Edward Lee Howard, who worked for the CIA from 1981-1983 and did other government work before that. I was also being forced to work for the government at that time. He said this was the reason I was being tortured. When I was given this information, I later told some of my family members about this and then the government was using them to try to conceal who gave me the information and who wanted to expose this. The CIA used my brother Levi Garrett, to pretend to be giving me information about him, and he questioned me. Edward Howard fled the country for political asylum in Russia. He not only told me to mention Manuel Avila, and that I was tortured by CIA and Mossad over Nazi war crimes committed by others, allegedly, he told me "It's Ritchies Boys" and I said "Huh?" Ritchies Boys was a group from CIA and U.S. Army that formed in the 1940s and had German-speaking Jews move to the U.S., become intelligence units, and then dispatched to Europe to interrogate "Nazis". These members then became employees for CIA and the Army and continued doing work along these lines, and in psychic spying and human cloning, and held hostages. I was told by Ed Howard and a Bob Garrett Sr., "You're not Jewish--they're trying to kill you". I was told I was not a Jew like them, I was a substitute for one.
The people who were trafficking me around, when I was a baby and kid, were coming from the CIA, the U.S. Army and Pentagon, and FBI, and I was being sent to Middletons and Goldsmiths in England, where the CIA had "black-site operations and interrogations". I was tortured, programmed, and implanted with objects for torture, while others were interrogated, at the Goldsmith's house, Middletons (Mike and Carol), and at a location not far from the airport where Mike Middleton worked, near Sandhurst Academy. I was being dragged around by the government as a pawn for accused "Nazis" and those accused of espionage, to see being tortured as the U.S. and Mossad was trying to force confessions from others.
I was not only tortured in the U.S., and England, and forced to work for free, since "the Jews had been stolen from and were forced to work", and I was somehow being punished for this, as a kid, I was also being flown to other countries while the U.S. was looking for more "escaped Nazis", in places like Brazil and Argentina. I was severely tortured at a U.S. Army base in Germany, which was connected to Middletons, and also in Russia, while the Russians there said it was "getting even" for what the "Germans did to the Russians" in WWII.
By age 3, I had already overheard conversations about how I was not going to ever be allowed to raise my own kids, and they'd punish me for my association with "Nazis". They were promising Middletons they would keep me oppressed, to promote a Jew to become a publicly known royal--Kate Middleton. An older clone of Kate Middleton was handing me baby dolls and taking them from me, to provoke me when I was a toddler, and she was murdering actual babies, with others, as part of their extreme ideas for "interrogations". Because they already used me as a political hostage, the U.S. was already making promises that they'd control me and any kids I had, and would never allow me to raise my own kids in the U.S., and they were bribing others to agree with them.
I was being led to believe I was related biologically to the Bairds and the Garretts, but I knew my "parents" were cloned more than once, and I was forced to wear an ID bracelet when I was a little girl, when the FBI was swapping clones of me around, and back and forth and didn't want to mix up which one was which. The last time I saw a little girl who was identical to me, I was around the age of 4 years old, and they quit using an ID bracelet on me or having visits between me and the other girl.
I was tortured by everyone in my "family" and I did not see any of the other kids or cousins being treated this way. Almost always, there was other government around, but sometimes it was done privately.
I was being told, when I was age 5 and age 6, that the reason I knew German was because I was visiting the British royals (who knew Middletons), and they spoke German. I was being forced from Germany to England to the U.S. and then staying with Ed Howard, who spoke fluent German and would speak it in the house, and then from there, the CIA was sending me to Moses Lake, WA and my parents spoke German and my mother, particularly, would talk to me in German. Then they suddenly quit trafficking me to German-speaking locales, and to the Howards, and told me we no longer were speaking German at our house in Moses Lake, only English, and that is when I was age 6. I continued to be sent to England, but speaking only English and around those who spoke with British accents, and the German language was not used around me anymore.
I continued to be sent to the Pentagon and to the CIA offices in Virginia, and to other locations around the world, but I was directed away from anyone that spoke German, to forget about what they'd been doing to me. I was also still used, and tortured, to elicit confessions of persons accused of "espionage" but they were of Russian interest, and not Germans. I was also not being sent to Israel to be tortured and for their interrogation work, or operations on me. By the time I was age 6, the U.S. government had attempted to shift the focus of their torture against me when I assumed some Russian-Jews had to do with Russian spying, not Nazis, and they also had me around Italian mafia. Even a German-connected family in Moses Lake, the Maiers, were concealed as not having anything to do with Germans and Goldsmiths, and instead having something to do with Russians. In fact, I was tortured by them, at their house, and by others, and trafficked. I was also being trafficked around, and visited by government workers for the military named Sandbergs, who were also German-connected, and I was being raped by them, and transported to Maiers, where I was tortured by Jews and others connected to Middleton and "Ritchies Boys".
The U.S. was also forcing me to work for free, out of retaliation and punishment against me, for WWII-era Nazi crimes and accusations committed by others.
On my "Mom's" side, two of my Aunts married Mexican Jews and they worked with Goldsmith-Middletons and tortured me--Valentine Guzman, and Pablo Avila. They also worked for the U.S. government and were already cloned and part of the human cloning program. Both Guzmans and Avilas are registered on Holocaust lists as Jews and having worked with the U.S. through "Ritchies Boys". Goldsmiths and Middleton of England were also part of Ritchies Boys; Richard Whittemore, an attorney who was a constant presence during my youth and who trafficked money to Kate Middleton clones was part of Ritchies Boys (basically CIA-Army MK-Ultra and human cloning, intelligence, and interrogations against Nazis from a German-Jewish perspective); the Albini/Dabney family was on the holocaust list and involved in torturing me and operating on me; the Bairds were part of Ritchies Boys and had been Holocaust survivors and against facism; Mark and Troy Shaw, who both spoke German fluently, had many members of their family in Ritchies Boys and were Jewish holocaust survivors, and tortured me and stole from me; Joy Sterling and Forrest Tancers family were Jewish and tortured me and had been part of this group; the Maiers were part of this group; and the Bechtel/Bechtold family that tortured and raped me and held me hostage were also part of the same group. and almost all of the others who I was surrounded by, were involved in this group; including Mary Donaldson, who married Prince Frederick of Denmark and was Jewish herself (her mother is Jewish with surname "Horne", and Mary Donaldson had support from Mossad, which I witnessed as a kid). Both Mary Donaldson and Kate Middleton were Jewish and promoted by the CIA to marry British royals who helped them "find Nazis" in WWII--Prince William and Prince Frederick. They were part of interrogation and torture against even kids and tortured me directly. As a toddler, I had them blowing horns into my ears until I was almost deaf, over the Horne holocaust survivors I was tortured over. Both Mary Donaldson and Kate Middleton were descendants of Holocaust survivors and the CIA employed them.
Some of the others who trafficked me and tortured and raped me and wanted to have me degraded worldwide, were Thebaults (Lisa Thebault is Jewish); Del Balzos; Ken Kargman (part of torturing me); Kyle Flick; Ed Israel; and Lorraine and Rabbi Rose (who lived in England and worked for British as Jewish refugees)--all of them are WWII Holocaust survivors. I was being raped at age 2 and told "You think you're a princess, don't you?" by all of these people, and tortured. Later, some of them employed me when I was older and didn't remember who they were and then refused to give me references to find work with anyone else.
These people were responsible for thinking they had a right to steal from me my entire life, and torture and rape me, and had decided their revenge against others for Nazi crimes, was to do this to me and control me and kidnap any baby I had and raise it themselves, out of retaliation for the Nazis who took their own Jewish kids in the past.
Here are some of the cloned kids that they created from my DNA, from an older clone of me (who they must have hated and blamed for Nazi crimes), who they repeatedly cloned and later implanted me with, to deliver myself. Prior to this, I was being drugged and experimented on with drugs for purposes of "implanting unsuspecting persons with cloned embryos" and the U.S. Army chemical unit was involved in this.
I was also prevented from any kind of government work, or access to classified materials. I was forced too work for free, and not allowed any wages, or an actual job with benefits or pay, throughout my childhood and my life. I was forced to work and produce for several government departments and for Mossad and the Israeli Army. Each time someone thought to offer me a "position" for training for a career, I was then taken to a government employees house, forced to take overdoses of Haldol until I had seizures and couldn't get up off of the floor, and I was then given Benedryl to treat the overdoses they gave me, and their purpose, from what I heard, was to keep me from "thinking you're so smart or you get to work here and make any money."
I was forced to do songwriting and music video direction at my house, and not allowed to copyright any of my material and when I tried to buy a storage box, such as a bank deposit box, the U.S. government stole what allowance I had saved for this, and kept stealing my songs, and had countless numbers of celebrities and performers and singers over to my house and sent me to other locations, to "sign over" my own rights to my music, to others who did not write the songs or music or earn the money. This was another form of punishment against me, coming from the "Ritchies Boys" and Holocaust survivors who then cloned me and made me a hostage to them, Mossad, British royals, and the U.S. government.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Looking For Mary Howard and Lee Howard (Edward Lee Howard's Relatives)
I am looking for Mary Howard and Lee Howard and would like to have them contact me directly, or have someone give me their contact information or let me know of their whereabouts.
I want to talk to Mary and ask her how long the U.S. government had me living with her and Edward when I was little, why, and what my level of fluency in the German language was then. I also want to know who she believes I am biologically related to and why I've been targeted by the U.S. government.
I want to know why the U.S. had people talking about me, when I was 3 years old, agreeing and plotting that I would never be allowed to raise my own children, and why the government wanted to control my kids. I also want to know what she knows of the extent of their cloning of my kids, which ones were permanently 'destroyed' and why, and what date. I also want to know what her relationship was to my older clones.
I know she tortured me with the electrocution headbrace, often, but I want to know if she felt she was forced to do this for the government, and why, and who she believed was my worst enemy.
I also want to know what she knows about the whereabouts and outcomes for my cloned kids and why my older clone was raped.
I also know she and Chris Dabney's "mother" knew each other and the U.S. used them with one covering for the other or to look worse than the other one.
Edward Lee Howard also told me the woman who threatened me with death and stuck her finger or something up my rear-end when I was a little girl, and had a gun pushed into my side as she threatened me, was "Rachel" and I wasn't sure if it had been Rachel, the same one who is Jewish and who Chris Dabney had as a girlfriend in D.C., or if it was Katie Middleton, but looking back, it was true what Ed Howard said--it was the Jewish woman Rachel.
"Rachel", the Jewish one, was also cloned and there was an older clone of her that attacked me on a bed. Katie Middleton also attacked me and made the same death threat, but so did Rachel. Not Rachel Chandler, or whatever, but the same "Rachel" that I later saw in D.C., in 2008.
The threat was to murder me over "Chris". She said if I didn't 'stay away from' Chris, and she was furiously angry, and full of rage and jealous hatred, she would murder me and my kids.
At the time these threats were made against me, it was CIA who Ed Howard was signed up and working for and who I was around.
He was hired, formally, on paper, in 1981 and I was 7 years old. This was the same year I was tortured beyond belief, by people like the Jewish "Rachel" who worked for the CIA and was a big shit, not a little one.
I was assaulted and threated with death by Rachel, the Jewish one, who was a CIA employee, over Chris Dabney, and I was also plotted against by Mossad in collusion with the CIA, and tortured. The next cloned "Rachel" was born ? --I am not sure what year she was born but she was younger.
I was also being tortured over the newer or "latest" Katie Middleton they wanted to put in the public eye, who was conceived as a cloned embryo implant, in 1981 and born in 1982.
Also, even though Edward Howard talked about "Rachel" with some form of disgust, like he didn't like her, I was assaulted one time with her family present and involved in assaulting me sexually, and money was being made off of it.
After Rachel, the Jewish one, assaulted me and threatened me with death, later her parents were at a house where Ed Howard and my parents were there, and they were making a "deal" and her parents stood by to watch me being raped over it. One of them, one of Rachel's Jewish parents, had something to do with Russia. Rachel's parents were talking about using Russia against me.
So I was maybe age 7 when Rachel, the Jewish woman, jumped me and threatened me and my kids with murders and death, and Kate Middleton was involved but yes, it was Rachel, an older clone of her, and then about 1 year later, or less, around 1982, I was being raped and her parents were blackmailing themselves into agreeing to harm me, by standing by as I was raped in front of them and others assured them, "Don't worry, we'll take care of it" and they talked about using Russia against me.
I was then, after this, forced to go to Russia for the CIA's 'grand espionage accusation plot". They wanted to "get rid of" me by having me appear to be a "spy" and an excuse made to eliminate me from someone's competition.
Then, it was true, after I was there in Russia, who showed up later? Rachel.
I was then being tortured and accused of being a "Russian spy".
Also, I was starved and not getting enough food to eat, and then all of a sudden, I was forced to live with Rachel and her family and they were force-feeding me. I got fat, when I was never fat, and forced to keep eating when I was full and didn't want to eat anymore and she was "programming" me to binge-eat and eat under stress. I was tortured by Rachel in her little "kitchen" and then later, the CIA had the younger Rachel as some kind of manager for a restaurant in D.C., making menu plans, when she was actually a child-torturer who wanted me to get fat and ugly.
I was being tortured in her kitchen, with the electrocution headbrace, and she was trying to psychoanalyze me, at one time, about what food I liked and what I liked to cook or make and she deliberately attempted to force me to like foods I didn't care for and tried to change my personality type.
It wasn't just food. She started attempting to change my entire personality, with torture.
She also asked me tons of questions and made me answer and then I was forced to give other answers instead and repeatedly told to rehearse this. She questioned me about everything I liked to do and wanted to do and wanted to have all of my answers "adjusted" to other responses and programmed me to say and act like some other person that I wasn't.
It was during this time, I got extremely fat, and forced to eat while distressed. I was fat for my regular weight, and I was getting fat because she kept giving me "oil", I thought. Well it was Haldol liquid and other drugs to ruin my brain so she could be a genius, not me. She then lied to me, using "oil" as a cover, and saying "You must have gained weight from all of that OIL". I was being force-fed and spoon-fed tablespoons of Haldol and I tried to refuse and they would torture me if I didn't do it without complaining. A bunch of her Jewish friends came over once to watch and watched and approved the programming of me and torture. One time, Chris Dabney also showed up there and I think it was him.
I was being "fed" Haldol liquid and things that ruined my brain and slowed my thinking, every single day, more than once a day, by Rachel. I was also given the same drugs by Middletons and Goldsmiths, in their kitchen, and in only a few other locations. It was NOT liquid vitamins or children's Nyquil or whatever. I remember what it was, and how I knew it was bad because of the effects it had on me. I was getting dumber, and dumber, and dumber, and I couldn't read Rachel's fucking mind as at all.
I had seizures there too, from the Haldol they gave me. I was having seizures and contortions from it, from their drugging me, and then they were medicating me with tranquilizers to treat the seizures and sometimes, she would threaten me during a seizure. They would look down at me, on the ground, in a seizure, and smirked at me. The little girl was going 'bye-bye' now...good riddance, they thought.
I said one time, "You people want to kill me and my kids and you hate me because you are JEALOUS you're not as SMART as me".
They would stare and say "Should we give her some Benydryl?" Rachel, the Jew, and her fucking friends, were torturing me with Haldol to create seizures, and then treating that with Benadryl.
I was often, on the ground, cramped up, age 7, age 8, staring up at these U.S. government people torturing me to be "stupid" and not be psychic, who wanted to murder me and my children and never allow me to ever raise my own kids.
I also had to compete with RACHEL over computers and video game design. Yeah. For real. I was asked to do some software development and being looked at for this kind of skill and she didn't want the competition and neither did the other Jews. They didn't want me to have any kind of marketable skill and told me, "You can sell your body for money, that can be YOUR job."
I had been in a computer video-game design program, until they tortured me and poisoned me repeatedly.
What was the younger clone of Rachel majoring in, in D.C.? In 2008? Video games. And then she came to my workplace and discussed menus loudly with Dabney, while staring at me as I ate a salad while 3 months pregnant.
They thought it was funny I was "pregnant" after they'd tortured me at Rachel's house until I was "fat" by being force-fed by her, and drugged with "oil", which was Haldol, repeatedly.
They also attempted to conceal the name of "Ben" and their use of Benydryl while drugging me to treat seizures and severe reactions I had from their political hate crimes against me of using Haldol to damage my abilities. Then they were saying I wasn't so smart after-all and I wasn't good enough for the video game software program--but I was pretty, so I could be a whore and prostitute for U.S. government employees for 'work' and never have a real job to support myself or my family.
In my second grade photo for school, I am unhappy and pudgy, and visibly pudgy compared to first grade photos, because of Rachel and her shits. I'm wearing a blue velveteen shirt with a big crimson flower in the center, and in 2008, in D.C., while they plotted against me and promoted Rachel and Jews and Kate Middleton (who is "jewish enough for the CIA", by the way), they were mocking me and calling me "Rose" and saying the big ship Titanic was 'going down'. So why was I fat in my second grade photo? Rachel and the Jews, and CIA from 1981-1982 and their drugging of me with Haldol and attempt to cover it with saying I got fat from "all that oil".
Then all of these people, Middletons included, thought it was funny to have me overdosed with Haldol again, in Middleton, TN, when a bunch of Jewish doctors, the DEA, and FBI conspired to have me forced to a mental ward by Vanderbilt University and I was not having any mental problems--I was talking about Dabney and Rachel and Middleton being a drug dealer, ahead of their "grand wedding plans". I was drugged and overdosed with Haldol there, in 2011, a few months before the wedding, just as they drugged me with Haldol when I was younger prior to other marriages and planned weddings, and I was then sent to a room full of "medical students", one who was a housemate, or had been a housemate of Chris Dabney's in D.C. in 2008, who I had lived with, and they all watched as the doctors made them see me overdosed and unable to talk and contorted, and then they said, "Give her some Bendydryl" and they treated me with Benedryl, just like "old times", for the fucked up CIA and U.S. government.
It was the exact same "medical student", who watched me being drugged with Haldol and dumbed down when I was a kid, when I was younger. The exact same man who was connected to Rachel and to Dabney. He is shorter, and looks slightly like Toby McGuire.
I immediately applied for my passport after this, and the U.S. Department of State, which has Dabneys on their payroll, obstructed me from freedom of travel by refusing to process my passport for over 1 1/2 years when I already had a passport on record.
The U.S. government blocked me from being able to leave the country after they tortured me, again, with politically-motivated hate crimes.
When I was pregnant with my son Oliver, prior to being raped by Chris Dabney to be impregnated and then tortured and with attempted murder, the doula who worked with the midwife, whose husband is a cop named "Chris", painted a giant "flower" on my stomach, like the one on the shirt I wore for my second grade photo, after I had been drugged with Haldol and Benedryl, and "fattened" up by the CIA in 1981-1982, over "Rachel" and Middleton, and forced out of academic programs.
I was told, "You don't need a job--we have government men that need a hooker, like you."
They didn't want me to be financially independent with my songwriting or to have a hands-on skill like video software design and programming, for employment, to keep me from raising my kids or paying someone to sue them when they raped me and kidnapped my kids.
They were feeding me poison.
They used several different "Ben's" just to conceal who was plotting against me and murdering my children and holding me down: Benjamin Netanyahu, Ben Affleck, and Ben, the medical student from Chris Dabney's shared house.
I was drugged out of political torture and hate crime, by the same doctors more than once too. Dr. Saw-Haw was not a new face to me, and neither were the other doctors there. They were the same assholes who worked for the CIA that I had been tortured by before. They worked with FBI and CIA and I was interrogated by them and drugged in the past, as they showed off to the Middletons, what they could do to me and how "Don't worry, she will never get away with raising her own kids".
Also, this country and the same people have tortured my kids too, to look dumber than they are, for the same political hate crime reasons of control. The "rocking horse" that I bought for my daughters Sophia, more than one time (recently, and in the past, decades ago), was named "Biscuit". In 2003, the movie "Seabiscuit" came out, and featured a man who looked just like the medical student who was always around when I was being drugged by the government, to look and be dumber than I was.
So where are all of the "Sophia's" now? How about my son Oliver? I know for a fact that the U.S. has tortured him too, for the same reasons. And when I didn't even know this one kid was my own son, from my DNA, and said I thought maybe he'd be a fast "runner", after this, the U.S. government tortured him to not run.
Who was around? Government shits, like Rachel, Dabney, Nikki, and a black woman who was always saying, "I can handle this one" and looked like Michelle Obama to me.
So the U.S. is creating my kids, to this day, only to reduce them to nothings, that they control and get personal blow-job satisfaction out of.
The boy who I said, "might be a good runner", was a boy who was with my Mom's side of the family, for a group photo I was asked by the government to "arrange". So they said, "You decide how to have the kids dressed and posed for the photo" and they didn't tell me on of the kids there was my own son, who they'd cloned and had a surrogate deliver and was being controlled by the government and knew the Bairds. Everyone knew but me, and then they were smirking that "She doesn't know" and this black woman was feeling good, along with some of the others, that I didn't have psychic abilities anymore, bc if I did, I'd know one of the kids was my son. Well I know this now, because I just saw the same photo and kid and it's Oliver. It's a clone of my son Oliver.
When I had told the kids to dress and pose for the photo, I had most of them in suits or that kind of dress and Oliver in jean shorts, casual shirt, and tennis shoes like running shoes. They said, "Why do you have him not dressed up?" and I said, "I don't know, because I think he's a different type of kid." they said, "You dressed all the other kids up and not him?" and they acted like I was being "mean" to that kid. I said, "No, he's wearing running shoes because maybe he's a good runner, and he's casually dressed because he doesn't need to be dressed-up because there are other things about him." They said "So why did you say to have one of his feet in front of the other?" and I said, "Because it's like he's balancing and moving forward".
These government shits, real shits, ALL knew that boy was my son. They didn't tell me. They just sat around, all of them working for the U.S. government and human cloning, except for me, and plotting against me and my kids. So what have they done? They had his legs harmed so he couldn't run. They deliberately targeted him to not be able to run. They also were tripping him and telling him to not lose his 'balance'.
I want to talk to Mary and ask her how long the U.S. government had me living with her and Edward when I was little, why, and what my level of fluency in the German language was then. I also want to know who she believes I am biologically related to and why I've been targeted by the U.S. government.
I want to know why the U.S. had people talking about me, when I was 3 years old, agreeing and plotting that I would never be allowed to raise my own children, and why the government wanted to control my kids. I also want to know what she knows of the extent of their cloning of my kids, which ones were permanently 'destroyed' and why, and what date. I also want to know what her relationship was to my older clones.
I know she tortured me with the electrocution headbrace, often, but I want to know if she felt she was forced to do this for the government, and why, and who she believed was my worst enemy.
I also want to know what she knows about the whereabouts and outcomes for my cloned kids and why my older clone was raped.
I also know she and Chris Dabney's "mother" knew each other and the U.S. used them with one covering for the other or to look worse than the other one.
Edward Lee Howard also told me the woman who threatened me with death and stuck her finger or something up my rear-end when I was a little girl, and had a gun pushed into my side as she threatened me, was "Rachel" and I wasn't sure if it had been Rachel, the same one who is Jewish and who Chris Dabney had as a girlfriend in D.C., or if it was Katie Middleton, but looking back, it was true what Ed Howard said--it was the Jewish woman Rachel.
"Rachel", the Jewish one, was also cloned and there was an older clone of her that attacked me on a bed. Katie Middleton also attacked me and made the same death threat, but so did Rachel. Not Rachel Chandler, or whatever, but the same "Rachel" that I later saw in D.C., in 2008.
The threat was to murder me over "Chris". She said if I didn't 'stay away from' Chris, and she was furiously angry, and full of rage and jealous hatred, she would murder me and my kids.
At the time these threats were made against me, it was CIA who Ed Howard was signed up and working for and who I was around.
He was hired, formally, on paper, in 1981 and I was 7 years old. This was the same year I was tortured beyond belief, by people like the Jewish "Rachel" who worked for the CIA and was a big shit, not a little one.
I was assaulted and threated with death by Rachel, the Jewish one, who was a CIA employee, over Chris Dabney, and I was also plotted against by Mossad in collusion with the CIA, and tortured. The next cloned "Rachel" was born ? --I am not sure what year she was born but she was younger.
I was also being tortured over the newer or "latest" Katie Middleton they wanted to put in the public eye, who was conceived as a cloned embryo implant, in 1981 and born in 1982.
Also, even though Edward Howard talked about "Rachel" with some form of disgust, like he didn't like her, I was assaulted one time with her family present and involved in assaulting me sexually, and money was being made off of it.
After Rachel, the Jewish one, assaulted me and threatened me with death, later her parents were at a house where Ed Howard and my parents were there, and they were making a "deal" and her parents stood by to watch me being raped over it. One of them, one of Rachel's Jewish parents, had something to do with Russia. Rachel's parents were talking about using Russia against me.
So I was maybe age 7 when Rachel, the Jewish woman, jumped me and threatened me and my kids with murders and death, and Kate Middleton was involved but yes, it was Rachel, an older clone of her, and then about 1 year later, or less, around 1982, I was being raped and her parents were blackmailing themselves into agreeing to harm me, by standing by as I was raped in front of them and others assured them, "Don't worry, we'll take care of it" and they talked about using Russia against me.
I was then, after this, forced to go to Russia for the CIA's 'grand espionage accusation plot". They wanted to "get rid of" me by having me appear to be a "spy" and an excuse made to eliminate me from someone's competition.
Then, it was true, after I was there in Russia, who showed up later? Rachel.
I was then being tortured and accused of being a "Russian spy".
Also, I was starved and not getting enough food to eat, and then all of a sudden, I was forced to live with Rachel and her family and they were force-feeding me. I got fat, when I was never fat, and forced to keep eating when I was full and didn't want to eat anymore and she was "programming" me to binge-eat and eat under stress. I was tortured by Rachel in her little "kitchen" and then later, the CIA had the younger Rachel as some kind of manager for a restaurant in D.C., making menu plans, when she was actually a child-torturer who wanted me to get fat and ugly.
I was being tortured in her kitchen, with the electrocution headbrace, and she was trying to psychoanalyze me, at one time, about what food I liked and what I liked to cook or make and she deliberately attempted to force me to like foods I didn't care for and tried to change my personality type.
It wasn't just food. She started attempting to change my entire personality, with torture.
She also asked me tons of questions and made me answer and then I was forced to give other answers instead and repeatedly told to rehearse this. She questioned me about everything I liked to do and wanted to do and wanted to have all of my answers "adjusted" to other responses and programmed me to say and act like some other person that I wasn't.
It was during this time, I got extremely fat, and forced to eat while distressed. I was fat for my regular weight, and I was getting fat because she kept giving me "oil", I thought. Well it was Haldol liquid and other drugs to ruin my brain so she could be a genius, not me. She then lied to me, using "oil" as a cover, and saying "You must have gained weight from all of that OIL". I was being force-fed and spoon-fed tablespoons of Haldol and I tried to refuse and they would torture me if I didn't do it without complaining. A bunch of her Jewish friends came over once to watch and watched and approved the programming of me and torture. One time, Chris Dabney also showed up there and I think it was him.
I was being "fed" Haldol liquid and things that ruined my brain and slowed my thinking, every single day, more than once a day, by Rachel. I was also given the same drugs by Middletons and Goldsmiths, in their kitchen, and in only a few other locations. It was NOT liquid vitamins or children's Nyquil or whatever. I remember what it was, and how I knew it was bad because of the effects it had on me. I was getting dumber, and dumber, and dumber, and I couldn't read Rachel's fucking mind as at all.
I had seizures there too, from the Haldol they gave me. I was having seizures and contortions from it, from their drugging me, and then they were medicating me with tranquilizers to treat the seizures and sometimes, she would threaten me during a seizure. They would look down at me, on the ground, in a seizure, and smirked at me. The little girl was going 'bye-bye' now...good riddance, they thought.
I said one time, "You people want to kill me and my kids and you hate me because you are JEALOUS you're not as SMART as me".
They would stare and say "Should we give her some Benydryl?" Rachel, the Jew, and her fucking friends, were torturing me with Haldol to create seizures, and then treating that with Benadryl.
I was often, on the ground, cramped up, age 7, age 8, staring up at these U.S. government people torturing me to be "stupid" and not be psychic, who wanted to murder me and my children and never allow me to ever raise my own kids.
I also had to compete with RACHEL over computers and video game design. Yeah. For real. I was asked to do some software development and being looked at for this kind of skill and she didn't want the competition and neither did the other Jews. They didn't want me to have any kind of marketable skill and told me, "You can sell your body for money, that can be YOUR job."
I had been in a computer video-game design program, until they tortured me and poisoned me repeatedly.
What was the younger clone of Rachel majoring in, in D.C.? In 2008? Video games. And then she came to my workplace and discussed menus loudly with Dabney, while staring at me as I ate a salad while 3 months pregnant.
They thought it was funny I was "pregnant" after they'd tortured me at Rachel's house until I was "fat" by being force-fed by her, and drugged with "oil", which was Haldol, repeatedly.
They also attempted to conceal the name of "Ben" and their use of Benydryl while drugging me to treat seizures and severe reactions I had from their political hate crimes against me of using Haldol to damage my abilities. Then they were saying I wasn't so smart after-all and I wasn't good enough for the video game software program--but I was pretty, so I could be a whore and prostitute for U.S. government employees for 'work' and never have a real job to support myself or my family.
In my second grade photo for school, I am unhappy and pudgy, and visibly pudgy compared to first grade photos, because of Rachel and her shits. I'm wearing a blue velveteen shirt with a big crimson flower in the center, and in 2008, in D.C., while they plotted against me and promoted Rachel and Jews and Kate Middleton (who is "jewish enough for the CIA", by the way), they were mocking me and calling me "Rose" and saying the big ship Titanic was 'going down'. So why was I fat in my second grade photo? Rachel and the Jews, and CIA from 1981-1982 and their drugging of me with Haldol and attempt to cover it with saying I got fat from "all that oil".
Then all of these people, Middletons included, thought it was funny to have me overdosed with Haldol again, in Middleton, TN, when a bunch of Jewish doctors, the DEA, and FBI conspired to have me forced to a mental ward by Vanderbilt University and I was not having any mental problems--I was talking about Dabney and Rachel and Middleton being a drug dealer, ahead of their "grand wedding plans". I was drugged and overdosed with Haldol there, in 2011, a few months before the wedding, just as they drugged me with Haldol when I was younger prior to other marriages and planned weddings, and I was then sent to a room full of "medical students", one who was a housemate, or had been a housemate of Chris Dabney's in D.C. in 2008, who I had lived with, and they all watched as the doctors made them see me overdosed and unable to talk and contorted, and then they said, "Give her some Bendydryl" and they treated me with Benedryl, just like "old times", for the fucked up CIA and U.S. government.
It was the exact same "medical student", who watched me being drugged with Haldol and dumbed down when I was a kid, when I was younger. The exact same man who was connected to Rachel and to Dabney. He is shorter, and looks slightly like Toby McGuire.
(Toby McGuire, in movie "Seabiscuit")
I immediately applied for my passport after this, and the U.S. Department of State, which has Dabneys on their payroll, obstructed me from freedom of travel by refusing to process my passport for over 1 1/2 years when I already had a passport on record.
The U.S. government blocked me from being able to leave the country after they tortured me, again, with politically-motivated hate crimes.
When I was pregnant with my son Oliver, prior to being raped by Chris Dabney to be impregnated and then tortured and with attempted murder, the doula who worked with the midwife, whose husband is a cop named "Chris", painted a giant "flower" on my stomach, like the one on the shirt I wore for my second grade photo, after I had been drugged with Haldol and Benedryl, and "fattened" up by the CIA in 1981-1982, over "Rachel" and Middleton, and forced out of academic programs.
I was told, "You don't need a job--we have government men that need a hooker, like you."
They didn't want me to be financially independent with my songwriting or to have a hands-on skill like video software design and programming, for employment, to keep me from raising my kids or paying someone to sue them when they raped me and kidnapped my kids.
They were feeding me poison.
They used several different "Ben's" just to conceal who was plotting against me and murdering my children and holding me down: Benjamin Netanyahu, Ben Affleck, and Ben, the medical student from Chris Dabney's shared house.
I was drugged out of political torture and hate crime, by the same doctors more than once too. Dr. Saw-Haw was not a new face to me, and neither were the other doctors there. They were the same assholes who worked for the CIA that I had been tortured by before. They worked with FBI and CIA and I was interrogated by them and drugged in the past, as they showed off to the Middletons, what they could do to me and how "Don't worry, she will never get away with raising her own kids".
Also, this country and the same people have tortured my kids too, to look dumber than they are, for the same political hate crime reasons of control. The "rocking horse" that I bought for my daughters Sophia, more than one time (recently, and in the past, decades ago), was named "Biscuit". In 2003, the movie "Seabiscuit" came out, and featured a man who looked just like the medical student who was always around when I was being drugged by the government, to look and be dumber than I was.
So where are all of the "Sophia's" now? How about my son Oliver? I know for a fact that the U.S. has tortured him too, for the same reasons. And when I didn't even know this one kid was my own son, from my DNA, and said I thought maybe he'd be a fast "runner", after this, the U.S. government tortured him to not run.
Who was around? Government shits, like Rachel, Dabney, Nikki, and a black woman who was always saying, "I can handle this one" and looked like Michelle Obama to me.
So the U.S. is creating my kids, to this day, only to reduce them to nothings, that they control and get personal blow-job satisfaction out of.
The boy who I said, "might be a good runner", was a boy who was with my Mom's side of the family, for a group photo I was asked by the government to "arrange". So they said, "You decide how to have the kids dressed and posed for the photo" and they didn't tell me on of the kids there was my own son, who they'd cloned and had a surrogate deliver and was being controlled by the government and knew the Bairds. Everyone knew but me, and then they were smirking that "She doesn't know" and this black woman was feeling good, along with some of the others, that I didn't have psychic abilities anymore, bc if I did, I'd know one of the kids was my son. Well I know this now, because I just saw the same photo and kid and it's Oliver. It's a clone of my son Oliver.
When I had told the kids to dress and pose for the photo, I had most of them in suits or that kind of dress and Oliver in jean shorts, casual shirt, and tennis shoes like running shoes. They said, "Why do you have him not dressed up?" and I said, "I don't know, because I think he's a different type of kid." they said, "You dressed all the other kids up and not him?" and they acted like I was being "mean" to that kid. I said, "No, he's wearing running shoes because maybe he's a good runner, and he's casually dressed because he doesn't need to be dressed-up because there are other things about him." They said "So why did you say to have one of his feet in front of the other?" and I said, "Because it's like he's balancing and moving forward".
These government shits, real shits, ALL knew that boy was my son. They didn't tell me. They just sat around, all of them working for the U.S. government and human cloning, except for me, and plotting against me and my kids. So what have they done? They had his legs harmed so he couldn't run. They deliberately targeted him to not be able to run. They also were tripping him and telling him to not lose his 'balance'.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Death and Murder of Human Clones: Government Plots
Of the Harry and William and Katie clones I met, and other clones, it is possible some of them died. There were so many of them, and most were not in the public eye, so it is very possible one or more, or even several of them, somehow died with illnesses, accidents, in suicides, or murders.
The sad part about human cloning, is no one is told about this and the government hides all of this information.
I am personally aware of any death of this specific clones, and no one mentioned anything to me about it, but it's a fact and it's something that the government and others use to intimidate and scare clones who don't want to be involved, into compliance.
The government also tortures clones, some of them, and makes it impossible for any of them to have justice or trial by their peers. They move on clone into a prison cell and leave them there, isolated, and tortured, and the others are moved around in the public eye, and no one even knows about the ones in prison, held there like life-long hostages and no way out.
I know this is a fact, because I witnessed this myself, personally, and the U.S. government was putting me into cells temporarily, in and out of them, and sometimes with adults there with me and sometimes alone, as a way to "hold" me in one place as a hostage. All the way up to age 13, I was being forced to go into jail and prison cells and other remote areas and places like dungeons, and yes, literal dungeons and underground "bunkers".
When I was gone, for months at a time, who was taking my place?
I met a girl who looked like me once, and I loved her and we'd play and hug and we were really little and then were separated. They told us apart by only a couple of things like ID bracelets. Then one day, I never saw her again. I started running into mirrors, seeing myself and thinking it was her, and running to give her a hug, hitting myself on the head at the glass instead. I was then developing into what looked like some kind of narcissist, enjoying staring at myself in the mirror, just my face, sometimes. It made me feel comforted, like I was looking back at this person who was so nice to be with--my own clone.
The cops, some of them, and FBI were involved. We were trafficked back and forth, and had our ID bracelets checked all the time so people would know which one was which. They weren't allowing us to talk to each other anymore at one point, and we didn't play together anymore--I only saw her during 'exchanges' when they swapped us. It wasn't private at all--it was government coordinated.
The U.S. government forced little kids to kill people, for them, at their orders, or to think they had, or cover for others, and then held these clones as hostages the rest of their entire lives, blackmailing them, intimidating, torturing and raping them saying "We can do whatever we want to you, and do you really want the public to know what YOU did?" They wanted these clones to live in constant fear of hate crimes or in being put in prison for things they could look framed for, that older govt. personnel actually ordered them to do. There was no "free choice" and there is no free choice. There is no freedom. It's just human slavery.
I had people jealous of me when I was very young, and yet from the time I was very young, I was still raped and tortured. What were they so jealous about?
The U.S. specifically hates some individuals and punishes them and their families, by their hatred, with kidnappings of their kids and plots to steal from them. They then breed more kids and use them, kill them or jail them, and do whatever they want.
The U.S. was busting into a basement lab when I was about 3 years old and arresting and holding people hostage and all they were doing was using microscopes. From all I could tell, they were just looking at things with microscopes but they were accused of espionage.
The U.S. was also already cloning my own kids off of my DNA from an older clone of me, and they were having others "practice" murdering them. The more the U.S. government got someone to murder one of my kids, the more the government trusted them to hold me hostage, lie about me, and abuse and control the rest of my children. The U.S. was murdering my kids to make "Made Men and Women" out of CIA and FBI shits.
So basically, I was this little girl, say age 3-7, and they were creating my kids, from my older clone, or my eggs, and I do know they did vaginal exams and surgery of me back then, and these babies and kids were my kids. The U.S. was then having others murder MY kids, and occasionally in front of me when I had no idea they were my children, and then when someone did, the U.S. government was saying "Okay, now we can trust you to control Cameo and her children and follow our orders". They had people practice killing my kids, to later kill more of my kids and lie for them.
I know they were my kids because I heard them talking and the deals they were making. And it resulted in more torture, rape, mind control of me, as a result, and then once these others killed my kids, they were basically "in" and then could be blackmailed later too, and they knew it. Not only that, I saw some of the babies. They were killing babies. They'd create a baby, bring it to life, and then have someone murder it, for "practice" and to make "Made Men and Women" out of the government, to control me and promise to control me and my babies.
They never wanted me raising my own kids. Everything...all the excuses later about why I couldn't raise my kids...were lies. They were holding me and my kids hostage from the start. The U.S. had me sound like a bigot, provoked me to say horrible things, and made me commit some crimes as a young kid, and then tried to tell others, "This is why she can't raise her own kids". It was a lie. They were murdering my kids before I was 7 years old. The U.S. ALWAYS had a plan to control me and my children or they wouldn't have been creating cloned kids from my DNA and practicing murdering them, just to assure themselves everyone would go along with the control plan later.
After murdering my own children in front of me, do you think the U.S. government wanted ME to raise my own kids and keep them safe?
The U.S. government did not just murder my own children in front of me when I was a little girl, they had cloned more of my kids using my DNA, and had those kids grow up more, and then they were torturing or doing bad things to them and knew I wouldn't even know it was my own kid, or believe them, and a couple of times, they told me "This is your son" and I didn't believe them and when he put his head on my shoulder, I thought, "Why is this kid I don't know, being affectionate with me when he can't be my son bc I've never delivered any babies yet?"
They were cloning Oliver, clones of Oliver, multiple times, and no one has explained where any of them disappeared to. They also cloned Sophia multiple times, and she was around before I personally delivered one of her, as a clone. The U.S. was using other surrogate and women to carry children that were my own DNA, before I could even physically give birth myself.
Later, when I was older and saw them, I could remember what they looked like, in hindsight, and think back and remember which kids were mine that the U.S. was controlling, and torturing and raping.
The U.S. government got paranoid when I was a preteen and mentioned remembering them murdering my children, when I was younger, so what did they do? They tried to get me to "assist" them in ideas for "mercy killing" my own kids, so they didn't continue to suffer from U.S. government torture and then the FBI was framing me as attempting to kill my kids. Why? Because they're "made men" and "made women" who first murdered my children when I was still a kid myself, and tried to diminish them. They also got rid of kids they didn't want connected to me, and kept only the ones THEY, the government wanted around, for creating their own mind-controlled and government controlled "slave system".
I had other kids, not Oliver or Sophia's DNA, and the U.S. murdered them.
They had people like Pippa later saying to me, "YOUR son is not a PRINCE. He's a cherry picker's kid." Finally, one time, tired of this older Pippa always staring at me with hatred and controlling me and wanting me to play sex games as a little girl in bed with adults, so she could take pictures of me to degrade me, I said, "You want to bet Pippa? I'll be MY son is more ROYAL than YOUR family's will ever be, and not only that, who do YOU think YOU are talking to? I probably, on my OWN, have more ROYAL blood in MY VEINS than YOU ever will, and that makes my SON royal even if his Dad was ever a cherry picker, and who are YOU to say GOD wouldn't want a CHERRY PICKER's KID to be a PRINCE? You try to torture me and control me and my kids because YOU are JEALOUS. So why don't you just leave us alone huh? How about you, and Katie and all your STUPID friends who stalk me everywhere, just LEAVE US ALONE? Why not? Because you're SCARED of us Pippa. So SCARED of us you don't even TRUST GOD--you TORTURE us and degrade us."
So I went off on a huge lecture against Pippa and her group and told them to leave us alone and quit trying to sexually rape and degrade me to make themselves and their sister "Katie" look better than anyone else.
I got furious. I said, "I'll BET I am MORE ROYAL, in MY BLOOD, than YOU will EVER be. So why don't YOU and YOUR KIDS BOW to MY SON, the "cherry picker kid".
Here she was, going around, getting people to make plots against me, teaching me to drive wrong so I'd have a car "accident", and taking pictures of me playing sex games in bed, involving penises and vaginas, and she was videotaping as well as taking pictures, and making me look like I liked doing that, and I thought these sex games were really fun as an 8 year old.
I mean, I had to wonder. Their jealousy and mean plots had me thinking, "What are they so afraid of? They obviously know about something that I don't know, that they think threatens their throne goals, like I ever care about it anyway, so who knows...maybe they know I'm a royal, and no one even wants to tell me because the castle and all the money are actually MINE, if I were given my rights."
I didn't want to be a royal or even really care, but the hate crimes against me and my kids made me care, and it also made me question why these people, and the U.S. government were doing such horrific things to get me and my kids as hostages and control us. So suddenly I got suspicious and wondered, "I wonder what they're not telling me."
Well one thing they didn't want me to remember, was how some of them were creating children with my DNA to murder them off, some of them permanently.
Then they had these sick Nazi plots, even people who were supposedly "Jewish" like Pippa and her family and others, of controlling what cloned embryos I was impregnated with later, and who was supposed to rape me to make me wonder if it was from rape and not cloning.
I mean, sorry, but that's pretty sick.
These assholes were trying to plot out my life when I was age 3.
I also overheard SAD-SOG and MOSSAD and CIA plots. The plot sickens. They figured a 3 year old wasn't paying attention and wouldn't remember anything, but they tortured me anyway, hoping I'd forget.
They had these little "CIA meetings" and discussions and prediction-planning of what to do with me and 'which cloned embryos' were going to be my eventual 'public kids'.
Not to mention, all of their talk about who was a 'cherry-picker' was more than bizarre, when they also had their friends deliberately doing things like saying they were 'popping' my 'cherry' when I was little. They even tried to conceal who the people were that were "cherry-pickers' of another kind, who targeted me when I was little.
The Middletons didn't like being accused themselves, of being rapist 'cherry-pickers' whose relatives raped little girls.
The groups of people involved in these conversations depended on which meeting it was, or what group was gathered together. Mostly, and almost always, CIA was present.
1. One group that talked about murdering my kids and controlling me, and who did this to "prove" they were a "Made Man" to the U.S. government, included a Robert Guy Garrett Jr., the same man or clone (one of them) who has been my "Dad" all these years. If the U.S. made him talk like this, that's possible, but I was under the age of 5 and they wanted to use him to control me. They also wanted him to be involved in controlling any kids I had. It wasn't some kind of "Mafia" that was separate from government, it was government. One man that showed up was FBI Director James Comey. He looked like the older clone of Katie Middleton's son, "GAL", George Alexander Louise, and I had asked them, "Are you two related?" Because, as you will find out when GAL, the public clone gets older, he resembled James Comey. James Comey and Middleton's "grandson", GAL, have been "pals" for decades and they were part of plotting against me and my kids. Another man who later made an appearance at one such group, was Cruz, the same man who is now openly running for President. He announced to the group that HE didn't have a problem killing my son.
2. One group included Benjamin Netanyahu and they mentioned, openly, the name of MOSSAD. MOSSAD had a serious interest in keeping me and my kids down, and promoting those who tortured or controlled us, on behalf of Kate Middleton and the Goldsmiths. They were all Jews, and I was not a Jew. I specifically overheard an entire MOSSAD-themed plot for torturing me, and making sure I wasn't psychic, and killing off any kid of mine that got in the way.
3. One group included Prince Frederick of Denmark and Mary Donaldson, and one of them was committing espionage and tortured and blackmailed anyone who might mention it. Frederick and Mary wanted me controlled, along with William and Katie, who were at either the same meeting or another meeting. Alvaro Pardo was present for one of the meetings and had something to do with murdering one of my kids. Edward Lee Howard was present for one of the meetings but everyone always said, "Does Ed know?" like he didn't know everything.
4. I overheard the CIA German Division plotting against me. It was a group of people that thought they were the "Masters of the Universe" and included Chris Dabney's family. Also present was Mark and Troy Shaw, who were making trips to the U.S. Army base in Germany and worked for CIA with people like Barak Obama. They discussed which cloned embryos they were killing, of my kids, and which ones they were using, and then a CIA Catholic group was involved too.
They were involved in promoting Kate Middleton for unknown reasons to me, and other women.
The sad part about human cloning, is no one is told about this and the government hides all of this information.
I am personally aware of any death of this specific clones, and no one mentioned anything to me about it, but it's a fact and it's something that the government and others use to intimidate and scare clones who don't want to be involved, into compliance.
The government also tortures clones, some of them, and makes it impossible for any of them to have justice or trial by their peers. They move on clone into a prison cell and leave them there, isolated, and tortured, and the others are moved around in the public eye, and no one even knows about the ones in prison, held there like life-long hostages and no way out.
I know this is a fact, because I witnessed this myself, personally, and the U.S. government was putting me into cells temporarily, in and out of them, and sometimes with adults there with me and sometimes alone, as a way to "hold" me in one place as a hostage. All the way up to age 13, I was being forced to go into jail and prison cells and other remote areas and places like dungeons, and yes, literal dungeons and underground "bunkers".
When I was gone, for months at a time, who was taking my place?
I met a girl who looked like me once, and I loved her and we'd play and hug and we were really little and then were separated. They told us apart by only a couple of things like ID bracelets. Then one day, I never saw her again. I started running into mirrors, seeing myself and thinking it was her, and running to give her a hug, hitting myself on the head at the glass instead. I was then developing into what looked like some kind of narcissist, enjoying staring at myself in the mirror, just my face, sometimes. It made me feel comforted, like I was looking back at this person who was so nice to be with--my own clone.
The cops, some of them, and FBI were involved. We were trafficked back and forth, and had our ID bracelets checked all the time so people would know which one was which. They weren't allowing us to talk to each other anymore at one point, and we didn't play together anymore--I only saw her during 'exchanges' when they swapped us. It wasn't private at all--it was government coordinated.
The U.S. government forced little kids to kill people, for them, at their orders, or to think they had, or cover for others, and then held these clones as hostages the rest of their entire lives, blackmailing them, intimidating, torturing and raping them saying "We can do whatever we want to you, and do you really want the public to know what YOU did?" They wanted these clones to live in constant fear of hate crimes or in being put in prison for things they could look framed for, that older govt. personnel actually ordered them to do. There was no "free choice" and there is no free choice. There is no freedom. It's just human slavery.
I had people jealous of me when I was very young, and yet from the time I was very young, I was still raped and tortured. What were they so jealous about?
The U.S. specifically hates some individuals and punishes them and their families, by their hatred, with kidnappings of their kids and plots to steal from them. They then breed more kids and use them, kill them or jail them, and do whatever they want.
The U.S. was busting into a basement lab when I was about 3 years old and arresting and holding people hostage and all they were doing was using microscopes. From all I could tell, they were just looking at things with microscopes but they were accused of espionage.
The U.S. was also already cloning my own kids off of my DNA from an older clone of me, and they were having others "practice" murdering them. The more the U.S. government got someone to murder one of my kids, the more the government trusted them to hold me hostage, lie about me, and abuse and control the rest of my children. The U.S. was murdering my kids to make "Made Men and Women" out of CIA and FBI shits.
So basically, I was this little girl, say age 3-7, and they were creating my kids, from my older clone, or my eggs, and I do know they did vaginal exams and surgery of me back then, and these babies and kids were my kids. The U.S. was then having others murder MY kids, and occasionally in front of me when I had no idea they were my children, and then when someone did, the U.S. government was saying "Okay, now we can trust you to control Cameo and her children and follow our orders". They had people practice killing my kids, to later kill more of my kids and lie for them.
I know they were my kids because I heard them talking and the deals they were making. And it resulted in more torture, rape, mind control of me, as a result, and then once these others killed my kids, they were basically "in" and then could be blackmailed later too, and they knew it. Not only that, I saw some of the babies. They were killing babies. They'd create a baby, bring it to life, and then have someone murder it, for "practice" and to make "Made Men and Women" out of the government, to control me and promise to control me and my babies.
They never wanted me raising my own kids. Everything...all the excuses later about why I couldn't raise my kids...were lies. They were holding me and my kids hostage from the start. The U.S. had me sound like a bigot, provoked me to say horrible things, and made me commit some crimes as a young kid, and then tried to tell others, "This is why she can't raise her own kids". It was a lie. They were murdering my kids before I was 7 years old. The U.S. ALWAYS had a plan to control me and my children or they wouldn't have been creating cloned kids from my DNA and practicing murdering them, just to assure themselves everyone would go along with the control plan later.
After murdering my own children in front of me, do you think the U.S. government wanted ME to raise my own kids and keep them safe?
The U.S. government did not just murder my own children in front of me when I was a little girl, they had cloned more of my kids using my DNA, and had those kids grow up more, and then they were torturing or doing bad things to them and knew I wouldn't even know it was my own kid, or believe them, and a couple of times, they told me "This is your son" and I didn't believe them and when he put his head on my shoulder, I thought, "Why is this kid I don't know, being affectionate with me when he can't be my son bc I've never delivered any babies yet?"
They were cloning Oliver, clones of Oliver, multiple times, and no one has explained where any of them disappeared to. They also cloned Sophia multiple times, and she was around before I personally delivered one of her, as a clone. The U.S. was using other surrogate and women to carry children that were my own DNA, before I could even physically give birth myself.
Later, when I was older and saw them, I could remember what they looked like, in hindsight, and think back and remember which kids were mine that the U.S. was controlling, and torturing and raping.
The U.S. government got paranoid when I was a preteen and mentioned remembering them murdering my children, when I was younger, so what did they do? They tried to get me to "assist" them in ideas for "mercy killing" my own kids, so they didn't continue to suffer from U.S. government torture and then the FBI was framing me as attempting to kill my kids. Why? Because they're "made men" and "made women" who first murdered my children when I was still a kid myself, and tried to diminish them. They also got rid of kids they didn't want connected to me, and kept only the ones THEY, the government wanted around, for creating their own mind-controlled and government controlled "slave system".
I had other kids, not Oliver or Sophia's DNA, and the U.S. murdered them.
They had people like Pippa later saying to me, "YOUR son is not a PRINCE. He's a cherry picker's kid." Finally, one time, tired of this older Pippa always staring at me with hatred and controlling me and wanting me to play sex games as a little girl in bed with adults, so she could take pictures of me to degrade me, I said, "You want to bet Pippa? I'll be MY son is more ROYAL than YOUR family's will ever be, and not only that, who do YOU think YOU are talking to? I probably, on my OWN, have more ROYAL blood in MY VEINS than YOU ever will, and that makes my SON royal even if his Dad was ever a cherry picker, and who are YOU to say GOD wouldn't want a CHERRY PICKER's KID to be a PRINCE? You try to torture me and control me and my kids because YOU are JEALOUS. So why don't you just leave us alone huh? How about you, and Katie and all your STUPID friends who stalk me everywhere, just LEAVE US ALONE? Why not? Because you're SCARED of us Pippa. So SCARED of us you don't even TRUST GOD--you TORTURE us and degrade us."
So I went off on a huge lecture against Pippa and her group and told them to leave us alone and quit trying to sexually rape and degrade me to make themselves and their sister "Katie" look better than anyone else.
I got furious. I said, "I'll BET I am MORE ROYAL, in MY BLOOD, than YOU will EVER be. So why don't YOU and YOUR KIDS BOW to MY SON, the "cherry picker kid".
Here she was, going around, getting people to make plots against me, teaching me to drive wrong so I'd have a car "accident", and taking pictures of me playing sex games in bed, involving penises and vaginas, and she was videotaping as well as taking pictures, and making me look like I liked doing that, and I thought these sex games were really fun as an 8 year old.
I mean, I had to wonder. Their jealousy and mean plots had me thinking, "What are they so afraid of? They obviously know about something that I don't know, that they think threatens their throne goals, like I ever care about it anyway, so who knows...maybe they know I'm a royal, and no one even wants to tell me because the castle and all the money are actually MINE, if I were given my rights."
I didn't want to be a royal or even really care, but the hate crimes against me and my kids made me care, and it also made me question why these people, and the U.S. government were doing such horrific things to get me and my kids as hostages and control us. So suddenly I got suspicious and wondered, "I wonder what they're not telling me."
Well one thing they didn't want me to remember, was how some of them were creating children with my DNA to murder them off, some of them permanently.
Then they had these sick Nazi plots, even people who were supposedly "Jewish" like Pippa and her family and others, of controlling what cloned embryos I was impregnated with later, and who was supposed to rape me to make me wonder if it was from rape and not cloning.
I mean, sorry, but that's pretty sick.
These assholes were trying to plot out my life when I was age 3.
I also overheard SAD-SOG and MOSSAD and CIA plots. The plot sickens. They figured a 3 year old wasn't paying attention and wouldn't remember anything, but they tortured me anyway, hoping I'd forget.
They had these little "CIA meetings" and discussions and prediction-planning of what to do with me and 'which cloned embryos' were going to be my eventual 'public kids'.
Not to mention, all of their talk about who was a 'cherry-picker' was more than bizarre, when they also had their friends deliberately doing things like saying they were 'popping' my 'cherry' when I was little. They even tried to conceal who the people were that were "cherry-pickers' of another kind, who targeted me when I was little.
The Middletons didn't like being accused themselves, of being rapist 'cherry-pickers' whose relatives raped little girls.
The groups of people involved in these conversations depended on which meeting it was, or what group was gathered together. Mostly, and almost always, CIA was present.
1. One group that talked about murdering my kids and controlling me, and who did this to "prove" they were a "Made Man" to the U.S. government, included a Robert Guy Garrett Jr., the same man or clone (one of them) who has been my "Dad" all these years. If the U.S. made him talk like this, that's possible, but I was under the age of 5 and they wanted to use him to control me. They also wanted him to be involved in controlling any kids I had. It wasn't some kind of "Mafia" that was separate from government, it was government. One man that showed up was FBI Director James Comey. He looked like the older clone of Katie Middleton's son, "GAL", George Alexander Louise, and I had asked them, "Are you two related?" Because, as you will find out when GAL, the public clone gets older, he resembled James Comey. James Comey and Middleton's "grandson", GAL, have been "pals" for decades and they were part of plotting against me and my kids. Another man who later made an appearance at one such group, was Cruz, the same man who is now openly running for President. He announced to the group that HE didn't have a problem killing my son.
2. One group included Benjamin Netanyahu and they mentioned, openly, the name of MOSSAD. MOSSAD had a serious interest in keeping me and my kids down, and promoting those who tortured or controlled us, on behalf of Kate Middleton and the Goldsmiths. They were all Jews, and I was not a Jew. I specifically overheard an entire MOSSAD-themed plot for torturing me, and making sure I wasn't psychic, and killing off any kid of mine that got in the way.
3. One group included Prince Frederick of Denmark and Mary Donaldson, and one of them was committing espionage and tortured and blackmailed anyone who might mention it. Frederick and Mary wanted me controlled, along with William and Katie, who were at either the same meeting or another meeting. Alvaro Pardo was present for one of the meetings and had something to do with murdering one of my kids. Edward Lee Howard was present for one of the meetings but everyone always said, "Does Ed know?" like he didn't know everything.
4. I overheard the CIA German Division plotting against me. It was a group of people that thought they were the "Masters of the Universe" and included Chris Dabney's family. Also present was Mark and Troy Shaw, who were making trips to the U.S. Army base in Germany and worked for CIA with people like Barak Obama. They discussed which cloned embryos they were killing, of my kids, and which ones they were using, and then a CIA Catholic group was involved too.
They were involved in promoting Kate Middleton for unknown reasons to me, and other women.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Photos of Prince Henry Clones and Murders by British Royals with Portland, Oregon Complicity
I had selected photos of Harry, to upload, to show there are clones, but they were somehow deleted from my computers, leaving only the ones of William. So I am having to re-select photos of him again, and posting them here today.
2This is the clone of Harry who had his ears "tweaked" to look "S" shaped at the inner cartilage, to the right. To the left is a Harry photo where the ears are not tweaked. More noticeably,
This guy, this Harry, (photo 1) looks like he has my Mom's ears. Look at how forward they are and how much they stick out? His hair is pouffed out to sort of make them look like they don't stick out much, but you can clearly see the shape of his entire ear, and if you look at the Harry with the beret, those ears are NOT the same. They are totally different clones of "Harry". Even though I don't like Harry, one of them maybe thought they should be known as clones at some point, because obviously any clone can be murdered and look like they never disappeared, just another clone to replace them. The Harry I talked to said, "Why did you pick this photo?" because he knew, I think, it was a good one for illustrating the differences. He was older than me when he asked, in a military already, but young teen or something, and there was another Harry who was younger than me, the one born after William (1982) in maybe 1984 or something. Whenever that one was born. I'm not obsessed with royals--I'm obsessed with human cloning and government kidnappings and my family. I had suggested one of them do this and then I could point out the differences between the ears. To his credit, this Harry had to be participant, in some way, for having his ears 'reshaped' and I am not sure how they did it, but I had figured cartilage was possibly slightly "moldable" and might be changed slightly without much harm or pain, over time. So I thought, "Okay, what's a shape he could have his ears turn to, that might look natural and be possible?" and I thought, "How about an 'S' like 'secret' or 'snake' like 'secret snake'." I.e., the "SS". The Secret Snake. Oddly enough, it was an idea I had he should get a position where he wore a beret hat. I had looked at all the hats and thought pale blue would look good on him and be sort of stand-apart from other kinds of hats. There were several who thought it wasn't maybe my best idea because they thought he might need or should go for another type of hat, that suited him more. I had thought, well maybe a beret appeals to British but also French and Green Beret U.S.--it was a PR idea. It was more work I did for the CIA which the CIA never paid me for. I also figured I'd tie-in the blue from the shirt of the Harry whose ears stuck out with the blue beret "snake ears" Harry.
Okay, here again, photo 4, to the right, this Harry clone's ears are not "S" shaped or tweaked and then notice the ears of the Harry clone in photo 5. There
is an obvious difference in ear shape. Harry clones
can be identified by ear differences and even in some
of the photos about their teeth. Some have bigger
gaps than others--some have their front teeth together.
The Harry photo from the right is older, and I saw 4
that photo of Harry, a Harry clone, when I was a kid
when the little Harry was still an elementary school
or middle-school aged kid. The one to the left has the
SS (Secret Snake) ears and the one to the right has
unaltered ears.
I saw several "Harry" clones, actually. Unfortunately for Harry, he was cloned more than once, close in age ranges and some further apart. I saw TONS of Katie Middleton clones, all ages, and they made tons of her. Of the Harry's, I saw at least 4 of them, all around the same time, of different age and there may have been more. I heard one of the Harry's refer to how many clones there were of himself and I asked him if he knew and he suggested maybe there were "six" of them, but I'm not sure if this was accurate. He could have been cloned in sets, with 2 of the same age, for each set cloned at various ages, in different years. He didn't want to tell me what the truth was and smirked about it.
These Harry's, who were involved back then, were telling me they'd let me talk about themselves being cloned because they wanted to trade that for keeping and taking profits from my songwriting. He said he wanted to do this when, he said, he found out William did this, so he wanted to do it too. So the government had me meet one of them who was then in the military, and it wasn't Harry b. 1984. Another of them had me take photos of him as a youth, but seemed to resent it, and he was maybe 12 or so years old, older than I was, and then there was a young adult Harry who had swim trunks on that I photographed, and the older clone Harry I remembered from all the undercover cloning was his age and/or older. That's 5 of them, at least. There were NOT 'doubles' like look-alikes, they were exactly alike--except where a feature was changed on purpose.
Several of these royals thought it was just fine to use and abuse me, trying to make tiny little kids "hitmen" for themselves, putting these kids' hands on their guns, instead of shooting themselves. They were killing off anyone they thought was "competition" and torturing them too. No, I do not like the British royals after what they've done to me and my kids and their ushering-in of the corrupt Goldsmith-Middletons is just further evidence they are more CIA than anything else.
Mike Middleton had some scheming idea that oh, after his older clone Katie tortured me and sexually abused me, I should babysit the little Katie, the one born in 1982, just as the royals had me babysit William, the little one born in 1982. Mike only would do this, because he thought oh, it's nice Cameo is developing a stupid, naïve, and dangerously unhealthy idea she has a bond with "little William" after they've targeted her and will kill and torture her children...maybe it will work with Katie too...maybe I can get Cameo to become attached to little Katie and she won't want to speak up against the Katie clones, even though they tortured her and defiled her." Mike Middleton is a conniving monster, just like his PET-scan toting wife Carol. They were sending child porn of me to Israel, not so Israel could "protect" me--so they could laugh their heads off and feel secure that I was out of their way and controlled.
I hated the older Harry clone because he targeted me, along with his brother. They viewed me as a threat to their throne goals. I didn't know about the current Harry but I don't have a good feeling when I look at his photos anymore. I think he's something really bad, and I think some of it has to do with his participation in attempting to steal my kids from me and using his buddies to hold me hostage in D.C. in 2008-2009.
Christopher Dabney is, and has always, been connected to them for some reason. They even kept mocking me with caramels, whenever mentioning ideas for killing my babies, after I was present, as a kid, at Harry's birthday party where I ordered him a caramel dessert. I had ordered the caramel because someone told me that was what he liked and then when he got it, he threw a fit and someone handed him a vanilla ice cream cone and he ate that instead, after all of my work of finding something he liked based on the information someone else had given me. After this, I was repeatedly being threatened with death to my kids and babies, and they were bringing up caramels into it, and they did this with Dabney at the Post Pub in D.C. in 2008, while torturing me when I was pregnant, and planning to murder my baby with an MRI after they forced me there.
One of the times someone asked me to advise or direct how a photo should be taken I had said "have Harry put his hand sort of next to Pippa's rear-end and Katie's around William's waist, so it's sort of like the married couple have their hands at their waists and it raises questions about Harry and Pippa for publicity". My real reason was bc I wanted to remember how I knew there was something bizarre about the Katie-Harry-William "love triangle". I wanted to remember how Harry was the one that seemed to be in love with the older Katie clone, not William. So then Harry was visibly mad at me, for suggesting a photo like this. He knew what I was thinking and he attempted to get revenge, over even that photo.
Harry had his "red herring" pal Chris Dabney later raping me, putting his hand on my rear all the time, and impregnating me for purposes of trying to kill me and the baby both. They also had Chris Dabney acting like HE was "Harry" and celebrating his own birthday on the same day as Prince Henry, and he has a swastika tattoo, whereas Harry just wore a band around his arm for some kind of party. I saw Dabney in England, and in Ireland, more than once.
William of Wales, the older clone, also made me murder people with him, when I was super-little, and so did Prince Philip. Any murder they used me for, was sanctioned and approved by the CIA, which seemed to me, to be the real agency they all answered to and worked for. They tortured my brains out after first using me to murder people with them. The CIA and Sandhurst, deliberately did horrible things to me, and used some mafia too, to try to make an automatically mind-controlled child killer out of me, and then they were torturing my brains out to "forget" so all of them, could get away with murder and abuse of innocent children like myself.
Then to cover for themselves and incite hate crimes against me, they were forcing me to be programmed and provoke to say horrible things, and suggest the same terrible ideas to others, that they'd been using with me, and wanted every other normal person to hate me and want to harm me and my kids, and NOT put me in any position of power, so their rug-rats could ascend themselves.
Osama bin ladin knew what kind of people they were. He obviously did, or he wouldn't have mentioned, supposedly, thinking it was a good idea to assassinate some of them. He knew what they were like because he had intel and he also had once been CIA-trained. I don't think he believed they were that bad at one time, and I think he realized they were, got ahold of even worse info about them and said, 'Okay--it's time for them and this Katie Middleton witch to go". So Middletons, most likely one of the British Royals, and U.S. Navy Seals, went after him, hunted him down, and killed him. I wouldn't say I know if Osama was a good person or not because I have no idea, but I do know that he was not against 'monarchies', per se, he was from a monarchy. He was against the British Royals who tortured, raped, and plotted murdering little babies.
This is the sick, bloody "business" that the God-damned CIA was making money off of, and getting British Royals recruits from--selling little kids into child slavery to royals, forcing them to be hitmen, and stealing from them, and then the CIA was "taking care of" these kids back in the U.S., and assuring the British, "Yeah, we got the job done for you and Katie is going to be Queen right?"
This fucking country was selling me to London and trafficking me back and forth, for everything from pedophilia, child porn, to murdering people as a little kid under age 7, working as an 'assistant' and in PR and then they were all keeping tabs on me and deciding how to ruin my psychic abilities so I couldn't read their minds or make predictions anymore. They weren't my friends.
My parents were not "secretly sneaking" me over to England. It was the fucking CIA shits, their FBI, and cops--they used people in the entire line-up of Dept. of Justice employees to do it. Then they wanted to keep little pretty girls quiet with ideas like " might marry one of them" and "Shhh..that was a bad person, thanks for your help".
They colluded to force me to work and steal every single penny I was worth from me, and put the last two pence that I even owned, under Katie Middleton's fucking ugly feet. To them, the "penny's" were my children. So much for the "rescuers" because "Penny 1" and "Penny 2" were never getting out from under the raping sodomizing Middleton "thumb". They were already dead. It had nothing to do with "Irish luck". They wanted me to go to the first "clone wedding" of Katie, when they first decided to secretly marry her to William, wearing penny loafers without any pennies in the slots. And that's what I was wearing. Penny loafers without any pennies in the slots, and pants, while Katie Middleton had tricked me as a little girl into thinking I was supposed to support her and so should my family and my own kids, for "God".
I was so brainwashed, I even called her "God's anointed" once, when NOT, OH MY GOD, NOT anointed.
Someone in government told me, as a kid, to "cut" one of the Katie Middleton clones, an older one, one that was older than me, and like I said, they bred a DOZEN or more of these bitches-all alike and murderous and horrific and NOT "anointed", and the government kept telling me to cut her, and I said I didn't want to. They said "DO IT" and said, 'She's going to do worse to you and your kids in the future, so you have your chance now" and they said this right in front of her.
I said, "I already told you, I DON'T WANT to" and the U.S. government shits around me told me to anyway and then one of them made a signal for what they did before torturing me. I then said, solemnly, "I will not touch the 'Lord's anointed'." On one hand I hoped they would leave me alone and quit pressuring me and think I called her 'anointed' and 'chosen' and on the other hand I laughed on the inside to myself, saying "Yeah God, we all know she is SAUL if she's anything even remotely like a royal...she's a betraying King Saul persecuting David and trying to kill him and his kids off, and I'M the one who is DAVID, not HER." I didn't mean, I was "David" as in "King David" or that I wanted to be royal--I wanted to be left alone and raise a normal family but oh yeah, she was bad.
So after I said this, one of the men sort of smirked and one who was there, who refused to prosecute anyone for raping me, was Detective Brian Gross. Yeah, the same asshole. The Portland shits had brought over one of the Katie Middleton clones and I was forced to do this to her in their offices, in Oregon decades ago, when I was a kid.
So finally, with my Dad, or one of the Bob jrs. there, and the cops and FBI and seeing they were threatening me with harm if I didn't 'cut' Katie Middleton, this one clone, I did. They gave me a knife and I cut, though not hard, down the side of one temple. It hardly even bled. There was no blood anywhere, when I cut, and I think later someone cut it deeper just to make a visible scar. But she cried. She said nothing and cried and I thought, "What a fucking BITCH. She comes over here, wants ME to cut her to incite hate crimes against me, more allegiance from Portland Police and FBI and shits to torture me and kidnap my kids, and SHE is crying? What a god-damned ACTRESS."
God-damn, she was a fucking actress. She sat there, looking straight ahead as if SHE was the martyr or something, after what they'd already done to me, and further rapes they were plotting with Robin Bechtold, Mike Tancer, Josh Gatov, and additional Portland cops and FBI, like Dillon, and so on. Not to mention kidnapping my kids and forcing me to strip as a minor at a nude strip club in Portland, Oregon. Yeah, they promoted this shit "Gross" to be in charge of Homicide after he covered up rape against me and threatened me. They had Potter there too, the same Potter who is Chief of Police and has been forever.
It was "all about Kate Middleton" and how special she and William were for being secret CIA agents. They also used police to illegally tow my car away to prevent me from winning several lawsuits I'd filed, so I could lose all of my lawsuits and then they'd have Katie Middleton win a lawsuit and look "competent" in legal matters.
They were also kidnapping all of my children, from the same State of Oregon where cops were forcing me to "cut" one of the Katie Middleton clones, and forcing me to go around telling everyone about a strategy for having a 'big" or 'little' (or both, according to what the govt. pressured me to say) "miscarriage" of babies.
Britney Murphy and Simon Monjack supposedly died indicating William and Katie worked for the CIA and they'd confirmed it. At the time they said they'd do this, they told me they were FBI so I didn't think it was odd, because FBI always came up with things they said they wanted me to do. But later I realize, probably they weren't really FBI because that doesn't make sense. The FBI would want to keep participation with the CIA or employment, a secret, and they wouldn't have their agents "dying" or committing suicide to tell people.
When "Katie", this one clone, was 'cut' in the Portland offices, then they opened the door and I saw a Dicksie Garrett down the hallway, where they had her held and she looked at Katie and then looked afraid. I think Katie gave her the evil eye and my Mom saw she was 'cut' and got what she wanted--another excuse from the fucked-up cop shits who were raping women and little girls. They also had a Dabney in the background, in the hall with my Mom, when Katie was walking out. They then closed the door and I was beat up and I blacked out. I don't even remember leaving the building. Well, I actually think I was awake when I left because I do recall as I walked out, there were people outside smirking at me and glaring with satisfaction because they got what they wanted. They now wanted to accuse me of "assaulting Katie" when she was the real batterer and abuser. I had never done one single thing wrong to her and I had been saying "Katie did all these bad things to me and I never did one bad thing to her and you guys support HER? She's a child torturer and a GOLD-DIGGER."
So after I had said this, they wanted me to "cut" her, and forced me to do it, with people around who tortured me if I didn't do what they said, authorities who worked for the government. Oh, and the look on her face when she left the room? Satisfaction and malicious vindication. She wasn't feeling sad at all. She'd put on a sad-face show to look vulnerable to some shitty cops and FBI and then left, with plans to torture, rape and murder. Oh yeah, and promote her own dumb-ass kids. Not only that, there wasn't a drop of blood anywhere. If she bled, because I did cut her, it showed up later and one of the cops or guys gave her a towel for it which she put to the side of her head, but I know for a fact it wasn't bad. She just cried with her wide-eyed innocent face on when she is a lesbian, child-molesting torturer. She was aborting babies, poisoning them, using electrocution, making "spells" over them, tying them up, operating on them to make sure they could be tortured, and murdering my kids and older clones.
Where were all of my older clones anyway? How come there were over a dozen of these fucking Kate Middleton clones Mossad was so happy about, and the CIA accepted because all of them were "psychically gifted", but all of my clones were raped and dead? I never saw a Katie clone being led away to jail or prison in chains, but I saw one of my clones led away, with false arrest.
They had Pippa (older clone of Pippa) and some U.S. Jews gloating over me, when I was younger, acting like they still felt I was a threat, but it's okay, they'd all control me, not to worry--telling me "Your son isn't a Prince, he's a Mexican cherry picker. Hahhahaaa. You'll NEVER be Queen."
They had me raped to get their way. Oh they'd rape my older clone and rape me too, and do whatever they wanted. They couldn't even just leave me alone to raise my own kids and have a normal life. They had to kidnap all of my kids, by government, just to find a way to create brain damage. It wasn't even enough if my son was "a Mexican cherry picker's kid"--even if he, what they wanted was total control and brain damage and death and they've plotted murdering every single one of my sons by 'accident' such as 'car accidents' the same way they programmed me for.
Pippa was one of the individuals helping me learn how to drive cars 'wrong'. The Goldsmiths and Middletons were all involved, gathered around a car at one location, forcing me to use the gas and brakes and to respond to panic a specific way, pulling out knives to scare me.
But oh yeah, how clever of them to ask me to 'cut' Katie after their "knife-scare for car accident" plots, which they carried out in 1992 in Oregon, only a decade later. Oh yeah, and with cops involved. How nice for the darling dear little innocent "Katie".
WHAT? Saul FAILED the mission?? Yes, Saul failed the assassination attempt against me, and then tried several more times to murder me after raping me and cops covering it up. Just for Katie to be their psychic spy.
Also, every single time I saw a Katie Middleton clone, no matter what age she was, how she was disguised, or where the location was, I always, not even knowing it was "Katie", at the time, had something bad to say about her. Not one single time did Katie Middleton, in any of her "forms" and ages, impress me as a good person or anyone I would select for anything. I knew she was bad. I knew she was bad, regardless of how 'cute' and 'plain" or 'ordinary' or 'vulnerable' she looked, whether standing on a stage looking knock-kneed with a sash on, sitting in a chair at age 3, showing up as a baby, standing in Jerash as a blond, making faces at a college dorm as a young teen or preteen, singing or speaking from a podium as an didn't matter--all of them were little shits. No way in hell was I going to say, "THAT one. Yes, pick HER for something special." She had been already using people to torture me and my kids, and her family was despicable and controlling me and somehow, by the grace of God, I still knew a shit when I saw one.
The government forced me to promote her on a couple of different occasions, and literally pushed me to even convince and persuade others she was a good choice when all it was, was government pressure. They appealed to me on false grounds, both times, when I was younger (Bechtel days), by appealing to my sympathies, for 'saving people' and claiming she was spiritually "God's choice", when she ISN'T, and then when I was older, as a preteen, telling me I could have my kid's back only if I "won" over everyone to promote Kate Middleton as choice for royal in the future. So they used my spiritual feelings as a kid, of trying or wanting to do the right thing, even though I knew and sensed something was wrong (they also used money as an incentive then) and then later, they held my own babies hostage and tried to make me give her "the best, winning, convincing PR you can".
There was an entire group of people who did NOT like Katie and I said, "Turn over your ideas about me to support Katie!" and I was being offered money, that young, by the God-damned CIA too, and FBI, told, "We'll give you a lot of money if you do this". I thought, as a little kid, "I don't think she's the person I should support at all, but maybe I can take the money and change all of it after I get the money".
They never gave me money. They just wanted to delude everyone, and did, and then made me out to be the Pariah of the Century.
How many murders was I forced to watch or made to hold a gun over, before I was maybe age 6 or so? I would estimate anywhere from 10-50. I was heavily tortured with an electrocution headbrace and electric shock, starved, drugged, tied up in horrible positions, and raped with guns and objects after the murders so I would be too traumatized to remember. They made me murder men, women, and animals. I don't remember murdering any babies or kids, not that I murdered them, but they would force me to hold the gun and then pull the trigger or assist with a gloved hand if I could hold it, but I did see them do a lot of abortions, in that instance, for women who were saying they wanted abortions, but they tried to make me numb to the idea of seeing a dead fetus. I was definitely being lied about and set up by the FBI and CIA later.
I was also forced to sit or be tied up, under a table while people ate and then fed me 'bits' of food, like I was a dog.
So, my GOODNESS, what motive might the CIA and FBI and U.S. government have, for trying to lie about me, keep me from having work, kidnapping my kids, and defaming me and wanting me to stay defamed? Oh goodness, it's like there is just NO reason whatever for me to be targeted or treated this way, right? The U.S. just wants to peddle little babies and kids around to kill people for them, before they're even 7 years old, at their instruction, and torture and rape them and steal from them.
My parents weren't even around for most of the murders. It was strangers to me, government people, royals, and U.S. Half the time I didn't even know where my parents were. Other times, they made me go out with my parents, telling me it was a special 'mission' and it was hitman/assassination work for the CIA and Pentagon. I was never paid. I wasn't paid, compensated, acknowledged, I didn't get benefits, insurance,...nothing. The U.S. was getting cheap sex from kids and child labor. They wanted to use me and then dump me off as "mentally ill" or kill me.
I was never one of them. I was never getting clearance to go anywhere in intelligence or government, and I was never going to be a 'spy'. I was just used and not paid for any of it, and told to later do all this PR for Katie Middleton, on behalf of the CIA and Department of Justice.
By the time I was age 6-8 the government was already making 'visits' to my bedroom in Moses Lake, WA, telling me "God doesn't want you to raise kids--He has OTHER plans for you and we're going to raise your kids for you" and they practiced stealing baby dolls from me. Oh what "other" great "plan" did "God" have for me? Nothing. It wasn't "God", it was the government, and they wanted to keep using me in forced child labor and then torture my own children and force them to do the same and never amount to anything.
I do not amount to anything, to this day, because of them. They forced me to do work for them that is worth trillions of dollars, and refused to give me any credit, any pay, and defamed me and kidnapped my kids. They obstructed me from education so I couldn't get another career in the private sector, and forced me to go from one sicko CIA or cop employee who raped me, to the next, while they mumbled government codes to each other.
One of the Bob jrs. told one of the older Katie Middletons, "Don't worry, we've got her wired" because Katie didn't want me to even 'exist' unless I was implanted with things that allowed government to control me by torturing me from a distance.
Kate Middleton, older clone, was acting like a "banker", counting money that came in and making records for bookkeeping, about profits, and she was going about, wearing nice clothes and having her hair and nails done and peeking in on others who did all the dirty work for her, and were not even paid, just tortured kids, with circles under their eyes, having to answer to "Catherine Elizabeth" and the CIA. She was enjoying a glamourous type of dressing even back then, and curling her hair, and being done up all the time. She wasn't "poor little Katie in the dog-days of good old-fashioned Party Pieces who is sometimes bullied". That was a lie. She was walking around like she was Mrs. Mountbatten.
Here are more photos of Harry:
Notice the difference in ear shape. They are not the same Harry clones. Also, notice the front teeth on the top photo and how there is almost no gap in his teeth, whereas in other photos, there is much more width.

There also isn't a kind of 'knob' down by the lower part of the lobe, at the end of the inside line of cartilage-ear fold, in the one below and even top left.
This guy, this Harry, (photo 1) looks like he has my Mom's ears. Look at how forward they are and how much they stick out? His hair is pouffed out to sort of make them look like they don't stick out much, but you can clearly see the shape of his entire ear, and if you look at the Harry with the beret, those ears are NOT the same. They are totally different clones of "Harry". Even though I don't like Harry, one of them maybe thought they should be known as clones at some point, because obviously any clone can be murdered and look like they never disappeared, just another clone to replace them. The Harry I talked to said, "Why did you pick this photo?" because he knew, I think, it was a good one for illustrating the differences. He was older than me when he asked, in a military already, but young teen or something, and there was another Harry who was younger than me, the one born after William (1982) in maybe 1984 or something. Whenever that one was born. I'm not obsessed with royals--I'm obsessed with human cloning and government kidnappings and my family. I had suggested one of them do this and then I could point out the differences between the ears. To his credit, this Harry had to be participant, in some way, for having his ears 'reshaped' and I am not sure how they did it, but I had figured cartilage was possibly slightly "moldable" and might be changed slightly without much harm or pain, over time. So I thought, "Okay, what's a shape he could have his ears turn to, that might look natural and be possible?" and I thought, "How about an 'S' like 'secret' or 'snake' like 'secret snake'." I.e., the "SS". The Secret Snake. Oddly enough, it was an idea I had he should get a position where he wore a beret hat. I had looked at all the hats and thought pale blue would look good on him and be sort of stand-apart from other kinds of hats. There were several who thought it wasn't maybe my best idea because they thought he might need or should go for another type of hat, that suited him more. I had thought, well maybe a beret appeals to British but also French and Green Beret U.S.--it was a PR idea. It was more work I did for the CIA which the CIA never paid me for. I also figured I'd tie-in the blue from the shirt of the Harry whose ears stuck out with the blue beret "snake ears" Harry.
Okay, here again, photo 4, to the right, this Harry clone's ears are not "S" shaped or tweaked and then notice the ears of the Harry clone in photo 5. There

of the photos about their teeth. Some have bigger
gaps than others--some have their front teeth together.
The Harry photo from the right is older, and I saw 4
that photo of Harry, a Harry clone, when I was a kid
when the little Harry was still an elementary school
or middle-school aged kid. The one to the left has the
SS (Secret Snake) ears and the one to the right has
unaltered ears.
I saw several "Harry" clones, actually. Unfortunately for Harry, he was cloned more than once, close in age ranges and some further apart. I saw TONS of Katie Middleton clones, all ages, and they made tons of her. Of the Harry's, I saw at least 4 of them, all around the same time, of different age and there may have been more. I heard one of the Harry's refer to how many clones there were of himself and I asked him if he knew and he suggested maybe there were "six" of them, but I'm not sure if this was accurate. He could have been cloned in sets, with 2 of the same age, for each set cloned at various ages, in different years. He didn't want to tell me what the truth was and smirked about it.
These Harry's, who were involved back then, were telling me they'd let me talk about themselves being cloned because they wanted to trade that for keeping and taking profits from my songwriting. He said he wanted to do this when, he said, he found out William did this, so he wanted to do it too. So the government had me meet one of them who was then in the military, and it wasn't Harry b. 1984. Another of them had me take photos of him as a youth, but seemed to resent it, and he was maybe 12 or so years old, older than I was, and then there was a young adult Harry who had swim trunks on that I photographed, and the older clone Harry I remembered from all the undercover cloning was his age and/or older. That's 5 of them, at least. There were NOT 'doubles' like look-alikes, they were exactly alike--except where a feature was changed on purpose.
Maybe one, and only one, of the Harry clones was decent and I liked. The others are the worst of the worst. They're criminals, torturing innocent kids and women. One of the Harry clones forced me to shoot a woman who was innocent. He had her standing or sitting in a chair against a wall, and handed me a gun and made me shoot her. She was someone who was trying to look out for me, and he wanted to use me, as a little kid, to murder her. The royals were stealing all kinds of money from me and holding me as their personal hostage for slavery--child labor. They raped my relatives, any they thought were pretty, never paid anyone for work, and forced us into slave labor and murdering people for them, and then tortured us not to tell and wanted to oppress my kids. Someone told them, I don't know why, they had to do what I told them to do or advised a few times, and they wanted me to do this but then they were saying the royals got to steal all of my money and they were torturing me and my kids too. I specifically remember one of the murders Harry made me commit, under the age of 7. He also acted more defensive about Kate Middleton and the Middletons, than even William did at the time, and I had wondered which one of them was really sleeping around with her, the older Katie clone, because it looked to me like Harry was more interested in her than William was. I thought that when I was a much younger kid--William didn't act at all interested in Kate Middleton. Harry DID. I thought, "Are these guys all lying to me and not wanting me to think Harry is in love with Katie or something?" Harry and "Chris" acted in love with Katie, not William. William just acted defensive of his "cloned kids" with Katie at some point, and like a plotting scheming quiet assassin. But Harry was outwardly, instantly, upset over any negative mention of Katie and as a kid, I thought they'd mixed up William and Katie with Harry on purpose.
Several of these royals thought it was just fine to use and abuse me, trying to make tiny little kids "hitmen" for themselves, putting these kids' hands on their guns, instead of shooting themselves. They were killing off anyone they thought was "competition" and torturing them too. No, I do not like the British royals after what they've done to me and my kids and their ushering-in of the corrupt Goldsmith-Middletons is just further evidence they are more CIA than anything else.
Mike Middleton had some scheming idea that oh, after his older clone Katie tortured me and sexually abused me, I should babysit the little Katie, the one born in 1982, just as the royals had me babysit William, the little one born in 1982. Mike only would do this, because he thought oh, it's nice Cameo is developing a stupid, naïve, and dangerously unhealthy idea she has a bond with "little William" after they've targeted her and will kill and torture her children...maybe it will work with Katie too...maybe I can get Cameo to become attached to little Katie and she won't want to speak up against the Katie clones, even though they tortured her and defiled her." Mike Middleton is a conniving monster, just like his PET-scan toting wife Carol. They were sending child porn of me to Israel, not so Israel could "protect" me--so they could laugh their heads off and feel secure that I was out of their way and controlled.
I hated the older Harry clone because he targeted me, along with his brother. They viewed me as a threat to their throne goals. I didn't know about the current Harry but I don't have a good feeling when I look at his photos anymore. I think he's something really bad, and I think some of it has to do with his participation in attempting to steal my kids from me and using his buddies to hold me hostage in D.C. in 2008-2009.
Christopher Dabney is, and has always, been connected to them for some reason. They even kept mocking me with caramels, whenever mentioning ideas for killing my babies, after I was present, as a kid, at Harry's birthday party where I ordered him a caramel dessert. I had ordered the caramel because someone told me that was what he liked and then when he got it, he threw a fit and someone handed him a vanilla ice cream cone and he ate that instead, after all of my work of finding something he liked based on the information someone else had given me. After this, I was repeatedly being threatened with death to my kids and babies, and they were bringing up caramels into it, and they did this with Dabney at the Post Pub in D.C. in 2008, while torturing me when I was pregnant, and planning to murder my baby with an MRI after they forced me there.
One of the times someone asked me to advise or direct how a photo should be taken I had said "have Harry put his hand sort of next to Pippa's rear-end and Katie's around William's waist, so it's sort of like the married couple have their hands at their waists and it raises questions about Harry and Pippa for publicity". My real reason was bc I wanted to remember how I knew there was something bizarre about the Katie-Harry-William "love triangle". I wanted to remember how Harry was the one that seemed to be in love with the older Katie clone, not William. So then Harry was visibly mad at me, for suggesting a photo like this. He knew what I was thinking and he attempted to get revenge, over even that photo.
Harry had his "red herring" pal Chris Dabney later raping me, putting his hand on my rear all the time, and impregnating me for purposes of trying to kill me and the baby both. They also had Chris Dabney acting like HE was "Harry" and celebrating his own birthday on the same day as Prince Henry, and he has a swastika tattoo, whereas Harry just wore a band around his arm for some kind of party. I saw Dabney in England, and in Ireland, more than once.
William of Wales, the older clone, also made me murder people with him, when I was super-little, and so did Prince Philip. Any murder they used me for, was sanctioned and approved by the CIA, which seemed to me, to be the real agency they all answered to and worked for. They tortured my brains out after first using me to murder people with them. The CIA and Sandhurst, deliberately did horrible things to me, and used some mafia too, to try to make an automatically mind-controlled child killer out of me, and then they were torturing my brains out to "forget" so all of them, could get away with murder and abuse of innocent children like myself.
Then to cover for themselves and incite hate crimes against me, they were forcing me to be programmed and provoke to say horrible things, and suggest the same terrible ideas to others, that they'd been using with me, and wanted every other normal person to hate me and want to harm me and my kids, and NOT put me in any position of power, so their rug-rats could ascend themselves.
Osama bin ladin knew what kind of people they were. He obviously did, or he wouldn't have mentioned, supposedly, thinking it was a good idea to assassinate some of them. He knew what they were like because he had intel and he also had once been CIA-trained. I don't think he believed they were that bad at one time, and I think he realized they were, got ahold of even worse info about them and said, 'Okay--it's time for them and this Katie Middleton witch to go". So Middletons, most likely one of the British Royals, and U.S. Navy Seals, went after him, hunted him down, and killed him. I wouldn't say I know if Osama was a good person or not because I have no idea, but I do know that he was not against 'monarchies', per se, he was from a monarchy. He was against the British Royals who tortured, raped, and plotted murdering little babies.
This is the sick, bloody "business" that the God-damned CIA was making money off of, and getting British Royals recruits from--selling little kids into child slavery to royals, forcing them to be hitmen, and stealing from them, and then the CIA was "taking care of" these kids back in the U.S., and assuring the British, "Yeah, we got the job done for you and Katie is going to be Queen right?"
This fucking country was selling me to London and trafficking me back and forth, for everything from pedophilia, child porn, to murdering people as a little kid under age 7, working as an 'assistant' and in PR and then they were all keeping tabs on me and deciding how to ruin my psychic abilities so I couldn't read their minds or make predictions anymore. They weren't my friends.
My parents were not "secretly sneaking" me over to England. It was the fucking CIA shits, their FBI, and cops--they used people in the entire line-up of Dept. of Justice employees to do it. Then they wanted to keep little pretty girls quiet with ideas like " might marry one of them" and "Shhh..that was a bad person, thanks for your help".
They colluded to force me to work and steal every single penny I was worth from me, and put the last two pence that I even owned, under Katie Middleton's fucking ugly feet. To them, the "penny's" were my children. So much for the "rescuers" because "Penny 1" and "Penny 2" were never getting out from under the raping sodomizing Middleton "thumb". They were already dead. It had nothing to do with "Irish luck". They wanted me to go to the first "clone wedding" of Katie, when they first decided to secretly marry her to William, wearing penny loafers without any pennies in the slots. And that's what I was wearing. Penny loafers without any pennies in the slots, and pants, while Katie Middleton had tricked me as a little girl into thinking I was supposed to support her and so should my family and my own kids, for "God".
I was so brainwashed, I even called her "God's anointed" once, when NOT, OH MY GOD, NOT anointed.
Someone in government told me, as a kid, to "cut" one of the Katie Middleton clones, an older one, one that was older than me, and like I said, they bred a DOZEN or more of these bitches-all alike and murderous and horrific and NOT "anointed", and the government kept telling me to cut her, and I said I didn't want to. They said "DO IT" and said, 'She's going to do worse to you and your kids in the future, so you have your chance now" and they said this right in front of her.
I said, "I already told you, I DON'T WANT to" and the U.S. government shits around me told me to anyway and then one of them made a signal for what they did before torturing me. I then said, solemnly, "I will not touch the 'Lord's anointed'." On one hand I hoped they would leave me alone and quit pressuring me and think I called her 'anointed' and 'chosen' and on the other hand I laughed on the inside to myself, saying "Yeah God, we all know she is SAUL if she's anything even remotely like a royal...she's a betraying King Saul persecuting David and trying to kill him and his kids off, and I'M the one who is DAVID, not HER." I didn't mean, I was "David" as in "King David" or that I wanted to be royal--I wanted to be left alone and raise a normal family but oh yeah, she was bad.
So after I said this, one of the men sort of smirked and one who was there, who refused to prosecute anyone for raping me, was Detective Brian Gross. Yeah, the same asshole. The Portland shits had brought over one of the Katie Middleton clones and I was forced to do this to her in their offices, in Oregon decades ago, when I was a kid.
So finally, with my Dad, or one of the Bob jrs. there, and the cops and FBI and seeing they were threatening me with harm if I didn't 'cut' Katie Middleton, this one clone, I did. They gave me a knife and I cut, though not hard, down the side of one temple. It hardly even bled. There was no blood anywhere, when I cut, and I think later someone cut it deeper just to make a visible scar. But she cried. She said nothing and cried and I thought, "What a fucking BITCH. She comes over here, wants ME to cut her to incite hate crimes against me, more allegiance from Portland Police and FBI and shits to torture me and kidnap my kids, and SHE is crying? What a god-damned ACTRESS."
God-damn, she was a fucking actress. She sat there, looking straight ahead as if SHE was the martyr or something, after what they'd already done to me, and further rapes they were plotting with Robin Bechtold, Mike Tancer, Josh Gatov, and additional Portland cops and FBI, like Dillon, and so on. Not to mention kidnapping my kids and forcing me to strip as a minor at a nude strip club in Portland, Oregon. Yeah, they promoted this shit "Gross" to be in charge of Homicide after he covered up rape against me and threatened me. They had Potter there too, the same Potter who is Chief of Police and has been forever.
It was "all about Kate Middleton" and how special she and William were for being secret CIA agents. They also used police to illegally tow my car away to prevent me from winning several lawsuits I'd filed, so I could lose all of my lawsuits and then they'd have Katie Middleton win a lawsuit and look "competent" in legal matters.
They were also kidnapping all of my children, from the same State of Oregon where cops were forcing me to "cut" one of the Katie Middleton clones, and forcing me to go around telling everyone about a strategy for having a 'big" or 'little' (or both, according to what the govt. pressured me to say) "miscarriage" of babies.
Britney Murphy and Simon Monjack supposedly died indicating William and Katie worked for the CIA and they'd confirmed it. At the time they said they'd do this, they told me they were FBI so I didn't think it was odd, because FBI always came up with things they said they wanted me to do. But later I realize, probably they weren't really FBI because that doesn't make sense. The FBI would want to keep participation with the CIA or employment, a secret, and they wouldn't have their agents "dying" or committing suicide to tell people.
When "Katie", this one clone, was 'cut' in the Portland offices, then they opened the door and I saw a Dicksie Garrett down the hallway, where they had her held and she looked at Katie and then looked afraid. I think Katie gave her the evil eye and my Mom saw she was 'cut' and got what she wanted--another excuse from the fucked-up cop shits who were raping women and little girls. They also had a Dabney in the background, in the hall with my Mom, when Katie was walking out. They then closed the door and I was beat up and I blacked out. I don't even remember leaving the building. Well, I actually think I was awake when I left because I do recall as I walked out, there were people outside smirking at me and glaring with satisfaction because they got what they wanted. They now wanted to accuse me of "assaulting Katie" when she was the real batterer and abuser. I had never done one single thing wrong to her and I had been saying "Katie did all these bad things to me and I never did one bad thing to her and you guys support HER? She's a child torturer and a GOLD-DIGGER."
So after I had said this, they wanted me to "cut" her, and forced me to do it, with people around who tortured me if I didn't do what they said, authorities who worked for the government. Oh, and the look on her face when she left the room? Satisfaction and malicious vindication. She wasn't feeling sad at all. She'd put on a sad-face show to look vulnerable to some shitty cops and FBI and then left, with plans to torture, rape and murder. Oh yeah, and promote her own dumb-ass kids. Not only that, there wasn't a drop of blood anywhere. If she bled, because I did cut her, it showed up later and one of the cops or guys gave her a towel for it which she put to the side of her head, but I know for a fact it wasn't bad. She just cried with her wide-eyed innocent face on when she is a lesbian, child-molesting torturer. She was aborting babies, poisoning them, using electrocution, making "spells" over them, tying them up, operating on them to make sure they could be tortured, and murdering my kids and older clones.
Where were all of my older clones anyway? How come there were over a dozen of these fucking Kate Middleton clones Mossad was so happy about, and the CIA accepted because all of them were "psychically gifted", but all of my clones were raped and dead? I never saw a Katie clone being led away to jail or prison in chains, but I saw one of my clones led away, with false arrest.
They had Pippa (older clone of Pippa) and some U.S. Jews gloating over me, when I was younger, acting like they still felt I was a threat, but it's okay, they'd all control me, not to worry--telling me "Your son isn't a Prince, he's a Mexican cherry picker. Hahhahaaa. You'll NEVER be Queen."
This is a photo of a man who I picked out from some various men, when I was asked, "What do you think your son will look like when he's older?" and they meant Oliver's older clone, Daniel/David or whatever. I had to look at a few different photos and men and I picked this one, and they said, "We'll do a photo shoot" and I said "Okay" and they said what do you want him to do to pose? and I said to him, "Could you fall down and look like you're trying to get up, because I want to remember something the Middletons and U.S. government did to my son already." He said, "Okay, like this?" and I said, "Yeah, but make more of a face like you don't understand why they're beating you up and tripping you" and he did. This is the photo that is a result of that request of mine, because that's what they did to my son. They were tripping him and beating him up the way they did me, to force him down, like they did me, just so the CIA and U.S. could keep stealing from us. I remembered the people who did this to my son, and it was my son, my older cloned son. Who looked exactly like this at the time:
My son's hair is even naturally curly, in ringlets, when it's longer and I didn't even know this back then because they had my son's hair cut short, but when I had him as a baby later, he had curly hair in ringlets. They had Joy Tancer there, and other govt. and then said one of the men was my real son and I saw one who had my son's ears and looked like him but then one of them said, "He's in prison" and I said, "MY son wouldn't be in prison." and they were saying if I picked one of them they'd let him out. I didn't pick him because I wanted to have someone who was not my son, but looked similar, posing for the photos, because I didn't want to disgrace my own son with having to be on his face in front of all of those CIA God-damned shits. The man I ended up choosing was some kind of Kate Middleton devotee, saying "Like this??" the way she did when mocking me. He was part of her group, not mine. So supposedly, the wonderful U.S. and Mossad and British Royal "plans" for my son, were to cause something to happen to force him into prison. Just another way to get rid of someone they don't want around. They were plotting trying to put my sons in prison, putting them in military fort cells to be abused, raped, or killed, and having my sons die in "auto accidents" that weren't accidents. The U.S. govt. was also deliberately illegally using my own personal genetic material to clone people they wanted to abuse and force into slave labor.
They had me raped to get their way. Oh they'd rape my older clone and rape me too, and do whatever they wanted. They couldn't even just leave me alone to raise my own kids and have a normal life. They had to kidnap all of my kids, by government, just to find a way to create brain damage. It wasn't even enough if my son was "a Mexican cherry picker's kid"--even if he, what they wanted was total control and brain damage and death and they've plotted murdering every single one of my sons by 'accident' such as 'car accidents' the same way they programmed me for.
Pippa was one of the individuals helping me learn how to drive cars 'wrong'. The Goldsmiths and Middletons were all involved, gathered around a car at one location, forcing me to use the gas and brakes and to respond to panic a specific way, pulling out knives to scare me.
But oh yeah, how clever of them to ask me to 'cut' Katie after their "knife-scare for car accident" plots, which they carried out in 1992 in Oregon, only a decade later. Oh yeah, and with cops involved. How nice for the darling dear little innocent "Katie".
WHAT? Saul FAILED the mission?? Yes, Saul failed the assassination attempt against me, and then tried several more times to murder me after raping me and cops covering it up. Just for Katie to be their psychic spy.
Also, every single time I saw a Katie Middleton clone, no matter what age she was, how she was disguised, or where the location was, I always, not even knowing it was "Katie", at the time, had something bad to say about her. Not one single time did Katie Middleton, in any of her "forms" and ages, impress me as a good person or anyone I would select for anything. I knew she was bad. I knew she was bad, regardless of how 'cute' and 'plain" or 'ordinary' or 'vulnerable' she looked, whether standing on a stage looking knock-kneed with a sash on, sitting in a chair at age 3, showing up as a baby, standing in Jerash as a blond, making faces at a college dorm as a young teen or preteen, singing or speaking from a podium as an didn't matter--all of them were little shits. No way in hell was I going to say, "THAT one. Yes, pick HER for something special." She had been already using people to torture me and my kids, and her family was despicable and controlling me and somehow, by the grace of God, I still knew a shit when I saw one.
The government forced me to promote her on a couple of different occasions, and literally pushed me to even convince and persuade others she was a good choice when all it was, was government pressure. They appealed to me on false grounds, both times, when I was younger (Bechtel days), by appealing to my sympathies, for 'saving people' and claiming she was spiritually "God's choice", when she ISN'T, and then when I was older, as a preteen, telling me I could have my kid's back only if I "won" over everyone to promote Kate Middleton as choice for royal in the future. So they used my spiritual feelings as a kid, of trying or wanting to do the right thing, even though I knew and sensed something was wrong (they also used money as an incentive then) and then later, they held my own babies hostage and tried to make me give her "the best, winning, convincing PR you can".
There was an entire group of people who did NOT like Katie and I said, "Turn over your ideas about me to support Katie!" and I was being offered money, that young, by the God-damned CIA too, and FBI, told, "We'll give you a lot of money if you do this". I thought, as a little kid, "I don't think she's the person I should support at all, but maybe I can take the money and change all of it after I get the money".
They never gave me money. They just wanted to delude everyone, and did, and then made me out to be the Pariah of the Century.
How many murders was I forced to watch or made to hold a gun over, before I was maybe age 6 or so? I would estimate anywhere from 10-50. I was heavily tortured with an electrocution headbrace and electric shock, starved, drugged, tied up in horrible positions, and raped with guns and objects after the murders so I would be too traumatized to remember. They made me murder men, women, and animals. I don't remember murdering any babies or kids, not that I murdered them, but they would force me to hold the gun and then pull the trigger or assist with a gloved hand if I could hold it, but I did see them do a lot of abortions, in that instance, for women who were saying they wanted abortions, but they tried to make me numb to the idea of seeing a dead fetus. I was definitely being lied about and set up by the FBI and CIA later.
I was also forced to sit or be tied up, under a table while people ate and then fed me 'bits' of food, like I was a dog.
So, my GOODNESS, what motive might the CIA and FBI and U.S. government have, for trying to lie about me, keep me from having work, kidnapping my kids, and defaming me and wanting me to stay defamed? Oh goodness, it's like there is just NO reason whatever for me to be targeted or treated this way, right? The U.S. just wants to peddle little babies and kids around to kill people for them, before they're even 7 years old, at their instruction, and torture and rape them and steal from them.
My parents weren't even around for most of the murders. It was strangers to me, government people, royals, and U.S. Half the time I didn't even know where my parents were. Other times, they made me go out with my parents, telling me it was a special 'mission' and it was hitman/assassination work for the CIA and Pentagon. I was never paid. I wasn't paid, compensated, acknowledged, I didn't get benefits, insurance,...nothing. The U.S. was getting cheap sex from kids and child labor. They wanted to use me and then dump me off as "mentally ill" or kill me.
I was never one of them. I was never getting clearance to go anywhere in intelligence or government, and I was never going to be a 'spy'. I was just used and not paid for any of it, and told to later do all this PR for Katie Middleton, on behalf of the CIA and Department of Justice.
By the time I was age 6-8 the government was already making 'visits' to my bedroom in Moses Lake, WA, telling me "God doesn't want you to raise kids--He has OTHER plans for you and we're going to raise your kids for you" and they practiced stealing baby dolls from me. Oh what "other" great "plan" did "God" have for me? Nothing. It wasn't "God", it was the government, and they wanted to keep using me in forced child labor and then torture my own children and force them to do the same and never amount to anything.
I do not amount to anything, to this day, because of them. They forced me to do work for them that is worth trillions of dollars, and refused to give me any credit, any pay, and defamed me and kidnapped my kids. They obstructed me from education so I couldn't get another career in the private sector, and forced me to go from one sicko CIA or cop employee who raped me, to the next, while they mumbled government codes to each other.
One of the Bob jrs. told one of the older Katie Middletons, "Don't worry, we've got her wired" because Katie didn't want me to even 'exist' unless I was implanted with things that allowed government to control me by torturing me from a distance.
Kate Middleton, older clone, was acting like a "banker", counting money that came in and making records for bookkeeping, about profits, and she was going about, wearing nice clothes and having her hair and nails done and peeking in on others who did all the dirty work for her, and were not even paid, just tortured kids, with circles under their eyes, having to answer to "Catherine Elizabeth" and the CIA. She was enjoying a glamourous type of dressing even back then, and curling her hair, and being done up all the time. She wasn't "poor little Katie in the dog-days of good old-fashioned Party Pieces who is sometimes bullied". That was a lie. She was walking around like she was Mrs. Mountbatten.
Here are more photos of Harry:
Notice the difference in ear shape. They are not the same Harry clones. Also, notice the front teeth on the top photo and how there is almost no gap in his teeth, whereas in other photos, there is much more width.
I had to go out in a carriage, like this girl, in some kind of practice or pretend carriage ride for one of the earlier cloned "weddings" or rehearsals. I was gang-raped afterwards and told this is what Harry was doing, or going to do, to my kids. I had said, "Maybe for a carriage ride, some girl that is actually biologically related to a royal can be in the carriage but not known officially as a royal." So then they put me in a carriage, with my Dad, raped me and that's what I was told.
This photo of a Christmas with puppies was my idea and is an old photo. Camilla is much younger there, and you can sort of tell by her flatter chest size, or maybe it was a double of her, and then they had an "older" double of the Queen, or it was possibly an older Queen Elizabeth clone, literally, because there WERE clones that old in fact, and they came around for the photo and it was the older William and Katie who had 'married' supposedly, in 1979 or so, and had babies, and then I saw another "wedding", actually, with another supposed Kate Middleton clone a few years after that, with an Anglican priest and everything, and it was later, because I was wearing penny loafers and I was at least age 9 then. The William in this photo is not the William from 1982. The puppy idea was one I had when I was being pressured and convinced to think "Katie" and "William" was a nice idea when it wasn't.
Prior to the photo, Queen Elizabeth, the clone or double, was standing off to the side, and glaring at me while I stood there excitedly about the puppies, thinking a baby would like it, and I realized, "That woman hates my guts and is smirking and glaring about my going along with all of this, like no one ever did anything bad to me at all."
She wanted to talk to me and I didn't talk to her very much and she got miffed about it, thinking that I thought I was too good to talk to her if I didn't know she was the Queen (or double). Then when the puppie's box was opened, I noticed, oh, there is some bad and mean omen about it, not some nice idea of puppies, but instead some kind of ha-ha joke about the cloned "dogs" in a box that William or someone would present to Katie and their kids. I said I wanted all puppies and to look all alike and they said why and I said, "To look like twins and they'll all be cute and the same and the baby can pick one" I was told to just have so many and instead, I had 4 in a box. It was actually my way of remembering all of this "human cloning" that was going on. It wasn't a mistake by me to have all of them look exactly alike. William wasn't exactly happy with me that day.
When the box was opened I could tell my Mom or Dad, standing in the background with me, was upset, because they were able to read into things and what the Middletons and Wales' and CIA had planned against me and my kids.
As a kid, I had to assist Kate Middleton in murdering people and then she tortured me with Pippa and others, and I was made to murder with Harry handing me a gun and demanding it, in a white-walled room, like some kind of cell, and William also killed someone and wanted me to help him with it. They were killing all of these people who supported me and then trying to pretend like oh, I was helping them kill "bad guys" when really, they were killing people and wanting those people to see me, before they died, as a way to cause distress first. They were getting off on the idea of using someone they kept as a "child slave" and raped and tortured, to kill off people, for them, that were friends--it was like, "Look at what we can make Cameo do, and you can't do anything about it. Hahaaa."
They murdered more people from planes, throwing them out while high in the air, to die on impact or drown, strangling name it. The CIA loves them. It's what "Mikey" and "Carol" were all about--helping out the good old boys at the CIA.
They killed more than one entertainment lawyer who wanted to sue on my behalf to get money for my songwriting. want to sue for Cameo? Then good luck, because the Middletons and Goldsmiths, CIA and British royals were going to murder you. The FBI was involved too. They all were getting splits off of my profits and talent--they didn't want me to earn my own money or have a lawyer or law firm take money from them...they were too greedy and busy ripping me off. So then they figured, "Lets get the FBI to make a deal with the Mafia to help us on this too, so we can get rich and all hold human slaves, like Cameo and her kids".
I saw several murders and I "reported" it to some FBI person and so suddenly, now the FBI was frothing at the mouth and wanted money too. So they decided to go "after" the Mafia as a way to make a "dirty cooperative" out of stealing from me.
I saw Mike Middleton, myself, with some others, strangling a lawyer with gloves on and tossing him out of a helicopter, over his plans to sue on my behalf. I had mistakenly told him the Middletons were my "friends". Oh yeah, maybe the Goldsmiths and Middletons can help and they can be witnesses, I'd said. Witnesses? Ha. Like Mike Middleton and Carol took the stand for anything but themselves. I saw them "take the stand" against ME, for the U.S. government, after they'd been using me as a kid. That's the kind of people they were--wanting little girls to be tortured.
Then, randomly, after one of my babies was kidnapped from me, when I was a preteen, or when my Mom was saying it was her baby, we had to go to England (I think it was England but maybe not, but it was definitely Middletons) and my parents and this other couple were made to go to another room with some people who were friends of Mike and Carol's and when they came out they said, "We've been raped" and someone grabbed their arms and was holding them, but they had emerged from this room looking disheveled. I didn't know what to think. I had been forced at gunpoint to do porn, raped multiple times, and had Middletons make fun of me as a "ruins" in Jerash, had people inserting "nuts" into my anus and vagina and mouth and then thinking it was 'cool' for Katie Middleton to use 3 nuts on her personal "letters" or logo for royal banner nonsense; I had been raped in Portugal or some Latin place, with each person making a notch out of a belt when they did and wiping blood in a bucket, and I'd been operated on, had my skull opened up and forced to watch one of my own brain surgeries, and was tied up, shackled, and chained, and gang-raped in semi-trucks while the govt. practiced trying to inseminate me with human embryos, and then they were coming out a room saying "We've been raped?"
I said, "Well, I'm raped all the time. What do you want ME to do about it?" and at that, the Middletons smirked and supposedly, then they were feeling "safe" from any reports or prosecution because I could hardly believe my parents had just been literally raped at the orders of Mike and Carol Middleton.
However, consider how many horrific things they'd done. It wasn't, or wouldn't be out of character, for them to do this. Carol was at a rape of me by Barak Obama in Seattle, which all the cops covered up and in D.C., all the cops were covering up for Chris Dabney, Alvaro Pardo, and "Rachel", and Nikki. They were already planning to murder a baby of mine in the future, if I wasn't assassinated first. They were lined up for it.
So why SHOULDN'T I believe that my parents were ordered to be raped, on the spot, by the Middletons and Goldsmiths? Of course they'd do this. Look at what they conspired to do to me and how even Benjamin Netanyahu and Sarah were plotting to murder a baby of mine in the future too, over "Rachel" and Katie.
It was Joy and Forrest Tancer and my parents, and Middletons and their friends who went into a back room. I figured they were all together, trading money and snorting lines over Katie and William 'plan' success and stealing from me. Instead, my parents came out of the room saying they'd been raped. Middletons had told them to go to the room. They led them into that room and were there for maybe a half hour or so, or less, and then came out, and they said that. I didn't believe it, or wasn't sure what to believe, because why would the Tancers say this, when they were Jewish friends of the Middletons themselves and always holding guns to me and my parent's heads and taking my money? Later, Tancers had their son rape me in Portland, so what was I supposed to think? But that's what they said, and actually, it shouldn't be doubtable that Middletons would do this, considering what they did to me. It's possible the Tancers were involved in holding my parents down while they all raped them.
I had said, when we were at the Middletons, with Goldsmiths and others there, "Why am I the one getting raped all the time? You guys get all of these people to rape me and then you bring me here and ask me to help support Katie and be part of CIA and you've done this to me? You kidnapped my kid and then you rape me and now you think I'm going to WORK for you? I don't hear about anyone else getting raped, just me, the person you guys steal from." So then Mike told my parents to get up and they wanted to 'talk' to them privately, and they all went to another room and that's what was said when my parents came out. They had these 'bodyguards' around too.
Both my Mom AND my Dad said they were raped and then Joy was chiming in and I thought, "Yeah right Joy." Dabney's mother was also there.
I said "What do you mean? When?" and someone holding their arms said, "Go ahead, tell her" and my Dad said, "Just now" and I said, "So you were raped and now they want you to TELL me that they raped you?" I said, "That doesn't make any sense" --why would they just rape you, seriously, and then tell you to tell me this?" and then the ones holding my parents said, relaxing, after looking nervous, "Yeah" and my parents looked down-fallen and said, "Nooooo" and I realized, "Something is seriously wrong here." Then Middletons and Carol also looked relaxed, and they said, "She's never going to report it" and then they added, with a smirk, "When she does, it will be too late."
They had my parents standing there with people behind them, nudging them. At least it was one set of the Bob and Dicksies who said this and were there, so that's what they said.
The U.S. several times forced me to promote Kate Middleton and they've kidnapped all of my kids. Joy Tancer and the CIA and U.S. government were showing up in my bedroom, when I was as young as age 6, when I wanted a dolly, and giving me a doll and taking it away, saying "You can't have a baby". Guess who was someone that started this? Kate fucking Middleton, in England. The U.S. later thought it was funny to use a more overweight woman, Michelle Erickson, from Wenatchee, WA, who looks like Katie in fact, facially, to take my son from me, and they had that plotted out more than once. But Katie was in England, using dolls, and Diana did this to me too, handing me dolls and taking them away saying "You can't have kids". It was never that "Katie" couldn't have kids, that was a cover. The cover was for the plot they had in conspiring against me, with such hatred for me already, and my older clone, that they were abusing me and telling me I couldn't raise my own kids and THEY were going to take them away from me and raise them.
I hated Katie Middleton's fucking guts, and it was for a good reason. She wanted to look like the "prima Madonna". She kept her nails long too, and I couldn't stand it. She'd dig her nails into me, and I was biting my own nails down to the quick out of being distressed and upset, from severe anxiety and nervousness.
Later when the U.S. had me meet her, thinking I didn't remember any of this, they said, "Here are some things. Do you want to have Katie pose with any of these items?" and they had an assortment of objects--toys, books, and household items, on a table. They wanted me, as a preteen, to pick out which items to have Katie "pose" with for the camera and I knew they were attempting to see if I was still scared and still remembered their shit. I knew, "They want to see if I remember the past, and are putting out these items to see if I'm scared or avoid anything, or select anything in particular to associate with Katie, and then they want to try to read my mind and find out how much I remember about her and her crimes against me, my older clone, and my kids."
They even had a knife out there to choose from. They had all kinds of "items". I wanted to naturally avoid the doll, and instead, I forced myself to choose it, knowing I only wanted to avoid it because of what the government and Katie had done to me, so I wanted to see what Katie looked like, holding a doll and remember more about what she'd done. So she held it and looked uncomfortable and they took a photo and the govt. stood by quietly and I didn't let myself think about anything. Then their fucking psychics stood there assuring each other, "She doesn't remember it" and saying "Nothing...thought of nothing". They were relaying the information they deliberately wanted to read from me, and report to the assholes.
But oh yes, I remember Katie Middleton and what she was doing with babies and baby dolls and torturing me and trying to traumatize me. She was a professional murderer, child torturer, and kidnapper, and after she assaulted my older clone and took her baby from her, she was killing things and torturing me. Then after that, they didn't want me to remember the real babies so they brought out dolls, baby dolls, and started repeatedly giving them to me and taking them away saying, "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed by the Name of the Lord" and taunting me saying, "You can't have babies" and "You will never raise your own children" and they kept saying "blessed be the Name of the Lord" after stealing from me and I finally said, 'What is a blessing?" and then I said, "Okay, what is the opposite of a blessing?" and they told me "A curse" and I said to their fucking ugly lying stealing child-molesting, robbing faces, "CURSE YOU" and "I CURSE YOU!"
Oh yes.
Oh yes they wanted 'the puppies'...all of the little spotted Dalmations. Cruella deVille. The God-damned Devil.
The entire "IDEA" of "I curse you" and all of that, which Carol Middleton began saying to ME all the time, came up because of THEM stealing baby dolls from me as a cover for their murder and kidnapping of babies from me, and what they planned for me later. It came up only because they kept snidely saying "Blessed be the name of the Lord" as a taunt against me, smirking, and stealing. Then they were saying things like "You're blessed!" and "Bless you" and I was saying, "Are you saying bless you or Beth's you?" beause they called Katie "Elizabeth", and sometimes "Beth" and "Bess". So I thought they were saying her name sometimes.
The baby dolls was all after they murdered a bunch of real babies too, my babies. They took one baby from my older clone and murdered the baby in front of me and her and said, "That's your baby". They were also collectively talking, in front of me, because I was younger than age 7 then, just 3-6 years old, very young, about how they could murder my kids and babies in the future. The government didn't just have plans to torture me, they had plans for how to get rid of any children they didn't want me to have, and how they could murder my babies, and how they could use me to have some, and take the babies away from me. I overheard all of it and they figured "She's too young to even know what we're talking about." I wasn't too young. And they figured it out because they then came up with a 'cover' for their plots against me, by using fake babies and dolls, to hand to me and take from me, and saying "You can't keep it" and "You can't raise it" and "You'rre not supposed to be married" and "God doesn't want you to get married" and "You can have one, but we have to take it away" and "We'll raise it for you". They did this to me in England and in the U.S. and in Israel.
Then, later, it wasn't just a cover for their plots to murder my kids--by using a doll, then all of a sudden, oh now they were trying to be 'helpful' and 'prepare' me for 'the eventuality of losing your children' because 'we're so good and kind' when the very opposite was true. They weren't good and kind. They were the ones plotting to murder my kids and kidnap any from me to start with, and they were concealing murders they'd already committed against babies related to ME.
Now, all of a sudden, their next "phase" in trying to distance themselves from being murder and kidnapping conspirators, and murderers in actuality, already, was to act like they were just 'helpless people who can see into the future and that it's not good so let's be kind and make it easier for her to LET GO".
Let go my Egg-o you fuckers and God damn you all to Hell. Prince Charles, didn't care at all, but one day said, along with Ed Howard, "What you need to tell them is to let go of my eggs".
Well they did not care because they people were plotting to murder my babies and already practicing it, before I was even SIX YEARS OLD.
So I said, "Yeah, have Katie Middleton hold the doll" and I looked at her like that and felt full of disgust and hatred because she was a murdering, lying, bitch. You have no idea the kinds of people who were already killing my kids, my cloned genetic material, my babies, and who was plotting to murder more of my kids. They had included my own parents in it, a Bob jr. and a Dicksie. How to let Katie know, "Don't worry Honey, you'll be just fine. We'll take care of them for you."
Before I was even Age 6. That means, before 1980.
The U.S. CIA has been busy little beavers, working away at their ideas of when they decided I shouldn't "raise" my kids, not to mention, uh...oh yeah, they were already murdering my kids and plotting to murder them by 1979.
It's a little late to apologize.
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